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ZNG Archives – December 2005

  1. about SRU

  2. Betr.: Re: Proximity search and Brahmagupta

  3. Call for agenda items for March meeting

  4. Call for proposals - Code4lib 2006

  5. Hold a spot: SRU Meeting, Integration Workshop; March 1-3, 2006, The Hague

  6. in search of CQL to mySQL converter

  7. New Prospects for the New Year

  8. New SRU home page

  9. opensearch list

  10. Perl Soap Toolkit?

  11. Proximity Revision

  12. Proximity search and Brahmagupta

  13. Record Update Diagnostics

  14. Registration available for SRU Meeting/itegration Workshop; March 1-3, 2006, The Hague

  15. SRU Meeting, Integration Workshop; March 1-3, 2006, The Hague

  16. SRU/CQL OASIS Proposal

  17. [OAI-implementers] info URI approved by IESG (fwd)
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