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ZNG Archives – November 2002

  1. -1 records requested

  2. Axis and WSDL

  3. Axis Status Report

  4. Bath index set

  5. Bath Mapping

  6. Betr.: DC Schema

  7. Betr.: lists

  8. Betr.: Re: CQL Simple Names (IMPT!)

  9. Betr.: Re: DC index set.

  10. Betr.: Re: echoedRequest

  11. Betr.: Re: namespace and schema id URIs

  12. Betr.: Re: Namespaces (fwd)

  13. Betr.: Re: nine or six months?

  14. Betr.: Re: Proposal: recordPacking

  15. Betr.: Re: SRU

  16. Betr.: real-life example of an index set

  17. Betr.: record schemas

  18. Betr.: The Zthes Qualifier-Set

  19. Betr.: Version 1.0 of SRW and CQL

  20. Boolean/Relation as Term

  21. Broken Links

  22. Comments on diagnostics

  23. Congratulations

  24. CQL

  25. CQL as part of/not part of SRW

  26. CQL in Z39.50 Classic

  27. CQL Simple Names (IMPT!)

  28. CQL Wildcards in BIB-1

  29. cql-java 0.1 released!

  30. cql-java release 0.2

  31. cql-java v0.3 is released

  32. CQL: Boolean/Relation as Term

  33. CQL: Empty Terms

  34. CQLParser Python Library

  35. Current WSDL etc.

  36. DC index set.

  37. DC Record Schema

  38. DC Schema

  39. dc schema identifier

  40. diagnostic list

  41. Diagnostic well known name

  42. diagnosticCodeType

  43. Diagnostics

  44. Diagnostics and Explain

  45. diagnostics, cql, xcql, schemas/wsdl, examples

  46. draft announcement

  47. dropping the name sru

  48. echoedRequest

  49. Empty Terms

  50. Explain: = Relation

  51. Extra Element in srw-binding.wsdl

  52. First EZNGIG meeting :)

  53. history

  54. implementor page

  55. Index Data Service updated for testing

  56. Index Set: CCG

  57. Indexsets and intereferences

  58. Keep those cliches coming!

  59. Leaky Abstractions

  60. List problems

  61. lists

  62. loose ends (1): Schemas

  63. Mapping Bath Profile Searches to CQL

  64. Mapping Bath Profile Searches to CQL (fwd)

  65. Mapping CQL Qualifiers to Type-1 Attributes

  66. More namespace nitpicking

  67. More on the Utility Qualifier-Set

  68. moved everything to zing

  69. namespace and schema id URIs

  70. Namespaces

  71. Namespaces (fwd)

  72. New Diagnostic for Prefixes

  73. New ZiNG page -- ZOOM reference

  74. nine or six months?

  75. Nov11 meeting in Manchester

  76. One small success story

  77. operation name

  78. Operation name (again)

  79. Operation name (again) -- part deux

  80. Operation name/Delaying release

  81. order of proximity qualifiers

  82. please review

  83. postponement

  84. postponing question

  85. Proposal: recordPacking

  86. Propose delay of release

  87. real-life example of an index set

  88. record schemas

  89. record.recordNumber

  90. Relation Modifier: phonetic

  91. Relation Modifier: phonetic (fwd)

  92. RELEASE: cql-java v0.4

  93. response/records/record/recordSchema

  94. revised "to do" list

  95. running out of time

  96. Schemas (1 of 2)

  97. Schemas (2 of 2)

  98. Schemas (really updated this time!)

  99. Schemas (updated)

  100. schemas and versions

  101. SOAP samples

  102. SOAP Types

  103. speak up

  104. spec review

  105. SRU

  106. SRU: echoedRequest

  107. SRW and SRU samples (updates)

  108. Str vs XML, SortSpec

  109. supported record schemas

  110. synchronizing

  111. tasks

  112. Testing Listserv

  113. thanks Rob!

  114. The Zthes Qualifier-Set

  115. to do

  116. to do; add SRU syntax

  117. To XCQL or not to XCQL?

  118. Updates

  119. uri udentifiers

  120. URIs for Schemas

  121. url-syntax

  122. version 1.0 (near) final

  123. Version 1.0 of SRW and CQL

  124. versioning

  125. We Need a Utility Qualifier-Set

  126. Web pages

  127. well-known record schema names

  128. what record schemas are permissable?

  129. White flag. Re: XCQL as fragment


  131. XCQL - location of <prefixes>

  132. XCQL <prefixes> Specification

  133. XCQL as fragment

  134. XCQL Conformance

  135. XCQL Diagnostic

  136. xcql.xsd

  137. XCQL: Qualifiers for Prox

  138. xStartRecord (Was: URIs for Schemas)

  139. [[log in to unmask]: Re: to do (fwd)]

  140. [Fwd: Stuff]

  141. [[log in to unmask]: W3C Query Language]

  142. [ot] Relax NG
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