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ZNG Archives – September 2002


  2. Attn Matthew: WSDL questions

  3. Authentication Token still in SRW Bindings

  4. Betr.: Need Feedback on Re: DC Index definitions

  5. Betr.: [Fwd: masking character for words]

  6. CQL parsing question

  7. cql relation proposal

  8. CQL: Expressing Term Structure

  9. DC Index definitions

  10. DC Index Set

  11. DC Publisher and Contributor

  12. explain dtd

  13. Expressing Term Structure

  14. FW: DC Index definitions

  15. Good press for SRW/SRU

  16. index definitions

  17. indexes and masking

  18. masking

  19. Need Feedback on Re: DC Index definitions

  20. parenthesis

  21. Where Are We Now?

  22. which masking character for words?

  23. word masking reconsidered
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