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Compliance and Inspections


BRS authorizes the introduction of genetically engineered (GE) organisms into the United States by issuing permits and acknowledging notifications. The goal of the Compliance and Inspection Branch (CIB) is to assure compliance with all relevant provisions of the regulations, including authorizations under the permitting and notification procedures. APHIS inspectors and compliance specialists perform targeted inspections of field tests and thoroughly evaluate all potential noncompliance incidents. BRS also evaluates facilities, equipment, records of developers, and potential incidents reported by permittees. Authorizations under the permitting and notification procedures require that noncompliance incidents be self-reported within designated time frames.

If an incident occurs, CIB requires that compliance with APHIS regulations quickly be restored to protect U.S. agriculture, the food supply, and the environment. Incidents with low potential impacts may require simple remedial actions, such as correcting clerical errors, installing fencing, or improving monitoring procedures. Serious incidents (such as unauthorized or accidental releases) may require destruction of research plots, quarantine of harvested crops, formal corrective action plans, or other long-term measures. When the permittee or responsible person self-reports an incident, typically they will have already begun to implement corrective actions. CIB strives for long-term compliance by having permittees reassess and modify their existing procedures to prevent recurrence of incidents.

A serious incident, or a history of lesser incidents, may prompt CIB to refer the situation to APHIS’ Investigative and Enforcement Services (IES) for further investigation. BRS also works closely with State Departments of Agriculture and other federal agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Justice, to ensure compliance with APHIS regulations. The Plant Protection Act provides for substantial penalties for serious infractions, including fines up to $500,000 and the possibility of criminal prosecution.

Compliance and the Site Inspection Process


BRS has a comprehensive inspection system based on science and risk criteria to identify any potential noncompliance incidents. The type and subject of an inspection are determined by the kind of permit issued or notification acknowledged.

Noncompliance History


Permit and notification holders have a successful history of compliance with APHIS regulations. However, when the responsible person does not adhere to regulations and permit conditions, the result is a noncompliance incident. Some incidents may be serious and result in an IES investigation and subsequent fines.

Report an Unauthorized/Accidental Release
of a Regulated Article or Noncompliance Incident


As specified in 7 CFR 340 and any additional permit conditions, responsible persons are required to notify APHIS if there are accidental or unauthorized releases of the regulated articles. Other actions or outcomes, including unauthorized movements, characteristics of the regulated organism that are substantially different from those listed in the application for the permit, or any unusual occurrence (excessive mortality or morbidity, or unanticipated effects on non target organisms) must also be reported. Time frames for the required reporting differ depending upon the type of incident or observation.


Last Modified: March 1, 2007

An ISO certified program
ISO 9001:2000
FM 535173