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METS Archives – May 2002

  1. Arnold Arcolio/RLG is out of the office.

  2. comments about the proposed METS standard

  3. First practices note, viewers

  4. Fwd: Re: METS - EAD - MPEG-7

  5. METS - EAD

  6. METS - EAD - MPEG-7

  7. METS and MODS (was Re: [METS] METS and OAI)

  8. METS and OAI

  9. METS Editorial Board formed

  10. MPEG-7 vs AV Protoype Schemas for LC

  11. Potential users of gdm schema outside of UC system?

  12. Questions about audio modeling in METS (long)

  13. Response to Harvard's interesting audio question

  14. Response to Jereon Bekaert

  15. Text Metadata schema

  16. The use of METS in Europe

  17. Use of TYPE attribute on <mets> element

  18. working towards first practice
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