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Leadership identifies methods to achieve long-term success Print
Written by Jennie Ayala   
Tuesday, 18 November 2008

PALM SPRINGS, Calif. — More than 35 key leaders from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District gathered at the Strategic Business Conference on Nov. 3 - 5 to update and refine a business plan that will pave the district’s course over the next three years.

Participants identified opportunities to grow and areas to improve by using employee and management surveys.  A key component of the strategic business conference included the discussion of significant employee and customer concerns.  Survey results were evaluated and discussed to determine how leadership could best address them.

"Today we set the plan for our future," said Col. Thomas H. Magness IV, district commander.  "We will take a hard look at what our Chief's (Lt. Gen. Robert L. Van Antwerp’s) intent is for us, and what division has in mind for us, to identify the SPL way ahead."

Leaders focused on five business goals, to include Mission, Workforce and Leadership, Resource Management, Relationships and Strategic Opportunities.

Once key issues, goals and objectives were identified, the team considered specific action items and steps to accomplish them.  The plan is in draft form; it will be finalized over the coming weeks, according to Magness.

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