Programs & Project Management Division (PPMD)

Honolulu District supports our military services, the citizens of Hawaii and the people of the Pacific region with a wide variety of projects and engineering, construction and environmental services. For a full description of our services, see our new Customer Service Brochure. Our Military Construction program provides housing and operational facilities to improve the readiness and quality of life of our men and women in uniform and their families. Our Civil Works program builds and maintains harbors and flood control projects and helps restore ecosystems. The District's Regulatory program balances the desire for economic development and property rights with the need to protect our environment, including valuable wetlands. The District also helps its customers meet their Real Estate and Emergency Management needs.

Programs & Projects Links
  • Customer Service Brochure
  • Programs and Projects Delivery System
  • Civil Works Digital Project Notebook
  • Branches
  • Civil and Public Works Branch
  • Environmental Branch
  • Programs & Project Management Branch
  • Military Branch
  • USACE MP Engineering & Construction Page

    Programs & Projects Office
    Building 230, Fort Shafter, HI 96858-5440
    (808) 438-1634

    Branches of PPMD

  • Programs & Project Management
  • Military

  • Our Military Construction program provides housing and operational facilities to improve the readiness and quality of life of our men and women in uniform and their families.

    A major portion of the Honolulu District’s program is geared toward support of Army and Air Force service members and their families. Our design and construction projects impact every aspect of their lives -- where they live and work, and where they spend some of their off-duty time as well. Everything needed to support day-to-day training and lifestyles of military personnel and their families falls within our military program.

    Family housing, barracks and dormitories to provide quality living conditions is a key element of our military support program. The so-called “Whole Barracks Renewal Program”, which will reach more than a billion dollars over the next decade, is designed to give single soldiers improved living space and more privacy. Much of that program is currently focused on Schofield Barracks, on the island of Oahu, where the highest concentration of soldiers in the nation is located.

    In addition to housing, the District’s military program oversees design and construction of work-related projects such as training facilities and airfield runways as well as service clubs, fitness centers commissaries and exchanges.

    Programs & Projects Management Branch
    Building 230, Fort Shafter, HI 96858-5440
    (808) 438-7050

    Army Section
    (808) 438-2573
    Civil Section
    (808) 438-8864

    Military Branch
    Building 230, Fort Shafter, HI 96858-5440
    (808) 438-8516

    USACE MP Engineering & Construction Page

    Programs & Projects Office
    Building 230, Fort Shafter, HI 96858-5440
    (808) 438-1634


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    Information Quality Act(IOA)