Berkeley Lab Isotopes Project, Nuclear Science Division

This page is dedicated to providing access to radioactive decay from the Table of Isotopes and other sources. Interactive access to the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF) and Table of Isotopes databases can be obtained with Isotope Explorer.

The 8th edition of the Table of Isotopes contains nuclear structure and decay information for over 2600 isotopes. Nuclear band drawings are included in this edition. The book has been published and is also available on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat PDF (Portable Document Format) format.

Some of the data available on this page are provided in PDF format. A free copy of the Acrobat Reader (for PC, Macintosh, and some Unix machines) and instructions for configuring your Web browser to recognize PDF files can be obtained from Adobe.

  1. LUND/LBNL Table of Radioactive Isotopes.

  2. 1986Table of Radioactive Isotopes Data

  3. Radioactive Decay Parent Properties Table. Mass-ordered list of decay parent nuclei properties including level energy, decay mode(s), spin-parity, half-life, decay Q-value. (PS) or (PDF)

  4. Energy-ordered Gamma-ray Tables.
    1. Energy-ordered list of the most intense decay gamma rays from radioactive sources with half-lives greater than 1 day. (PS) or (PDF)
    2. Energy ordered list of 90,000 decay gamma rays from all decay sources.

      1. E=0.0768 - 223.8 keV (PS) or (PDF)
      2. E=223.90 - 427.2 keV (PS) or (PDF)
      3. E=427.2 - 647.4 keV (PS) or (PDF)
      4. E=647.4 - 888.7 keV (PS) or (PDF)
      5. E=888.74 - 1196.1 keV (PS) or (PDF)
      6. E=1196.15 - 1581.3 keV (PS) or (PDF)
      7. E=1581.4 - 2225.93 keV (PS) or (PDF)
      8. E=2226.59 - 11258.9 keV (PS) or (PDF)

  5. Energy and Intensity Standards.

  6. Q-Value Calculator. Masses and decay/reaction Q-values.

  7. Elements 110-112 from GSI

  8. Nuclear Science References Search over 160,000 references from the NSR reference file by author, nuclide, reaction, keyword, and other data types.

  9. Recent Decay References for 6/95 to 11/95
  10. Recent Decay References for 1/96 to 6/96
  11. Recent Decay References for 6/96 to 9/20/96
  12. Recent Decay References for 9/21/96 to 1/1/97
  13. Recent Decay References for 1/1/97 to 4/1/97
  14. Recent Decay References for 4/2/97 to 9/9/97

  15. Isotope Explorer Interactive access to data from the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF) and the Table of Isotopes Databases

    Return to Table of Isotopes home page

    Richard B. Firestone, e-mail:
    Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    MailStop 50A-6102
    1 Cyclotron Road
    Berkeley, CA 94720
    Phone: 510-486-7646
    Fax: 510-486-5757