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Summersville Lake
Camping at Summersville Lake is restricted to developed camping areas only – there is not random camping. Battle Run Campground is a class A Corps operated campground which has day use facilities, a boat launching ramp, access to fishing, showers, trailer waste disposal facilities, playground, universally accessible restrooms, parking, swimming and picnic areas. Battle Run Campground is now part of the National Recreation Servation System. Reservations can be made by dialing 1-877-444-NRRS or on the web at For more information during recreation season call the campground at (304) 872-3459.

Long Point Area includes a nearby airport, marina, boat launching ramp, fishing access, and universally accessible restrooms. Mountain Lake Campground is located in this area also. This campground is privately operated.


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Public Affairs
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
502 Eighth Street
Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 399-5353
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