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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Iraq Study Group

About the Iraq Study Group

The Iraq Study Group made a forward-looking, independent assessment of the current and prospective situation on the ground in Iraq and how it affects the surrounding region as well as U.S. interests.

The study group examined four broad topics:

  • the strategic environment in and around Iraq;
  • the security of Iraq and key challenges to enhancing security within the country;
  • political developments within Iraq following the elections and formation of the new government;
  • and the economy and reconstruction.

The effort was undertaken at the urging of several members of Congress with agreement of the White House. A final report was released to Congress, the White House, and the public on December 6, 2006.

Members and Participating Organizations

Leadership of the group was provided by two distinguished co-chairs: James A. Baker, III, former secretary of state and honorary chairman of the Baker Institute, and Lee H. Hamilton, former congressman and director of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

The balance of the bipartisan group was comprised of Americans who have distinguished themselves in service to their nation: Robert M. Gates, Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Edwin Meese III, Sandra Day O'Connor, Leon E. Panetta, William J. Perry, Charles S. Robb, and Alan K. Simpson.

The members of the study group consulted with members of Congress and others, including four working groups of experts and a group of retired military officers. The four working groups were comprised of experts from private industry and leading policy and academic institutions.

More Information

Questions about the ISG or its report should be directed to:

Ian Larsen
cell: 703-929-2099
Lauren Sucher
cell: 202-460-3247


Iraq Study Group


ISG Quick Stats

  • Ten public servants—5 Democrats, 5 Republicans—made up the ISG.
  • The ISG's budget was $1 million, approved by Congress
  • Three organizations joined USIP in facilitating the ISG.
  • 44 people served in four Expert Working Groups to advise the ISG.
  • The Iraq Study Group spent 4 days in Iraq in August/September.
  • There were 9 plenary meetings of the ISG.
  • The Iraq Study Group met with 136 people in and out of government before September 19, and 170 people total as it prepared its report.
  • Members of the Iraq Study Group were not paid in any way for their work.

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