Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Dec 2008 Issue arrow 12.3 Commander's Message
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Vol. 38 No. 12     A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers     December 1, 2008

Commander's Message

Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District

‘Tis the season…

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanzaa and all the best wishes of the Hanukkah season to all of you in the Mighty Los Angeles District. If there is a celebration or observation I missed, I wish you the best of that season as well.

The end of the year is a time to reflect on what we have accomplished over the past 12 months. We think about what we have done right, what we might have done wrong and how we can do better in the future.

Right now, I think we’ve all done a great job on our direction to put up a fence along our nation’s southern border. I think we’ve done great work on the Veysey Trail and I think we’re doing well for the residents in Tucson with their new Cherry Field Detention Basin. That’s not to say great work isn’t being done elsewhere. I am aware of all the great projects you are working on out there. I’m afraid listing all the great work here would over-tax the system. You guys are just too impressive to put in to words.

But again, we also have to think of things we could have done better. I don’t know about you, but I know there are times we didn’t quite live up to our full potential. I’m not going to point out any particular areas. I’ll leave it to your own sense of commitment and honor to find them yourselves and I know – I trust – that each of you will do even better in the upcoming year.

The holidays are a time to spend with family, with friends and with loved ones. A lot of you will be taking trips across the country and some will be going out of the country. Remember to be safe no matter where you go. Getting in early is not worth the risk of falling asleep at the wheel. Plan and leave time for rest breaks, maybe even for staying overnight if you’re driving.

If you plan to fly, pack smartly. There are lots of airline fees out there that we didn’t have a year ago. Travel smartly. Remember to get to your airport early because you know the TSA folks are out there trying to make sure we have as safe a trip as possible. Lines may be long, so you getting there early will help ease any frustration and will probably make your stress levels a little less than they would be if you were rushing around at the last minute.

While you’re enjoying your holiday celebrations, remember to imbibe responsibly. I’m not going to tell anyone who is of age not to drink, but I do want you all to think before you start enjoying heavy amounts of “traditional” eggnog or whatever your drink of choice may be. Make sure you have a designated driver or a place to stay if you’re going to be drinking alcohol. If you’re the designated driver – good on you, first of all for stepping up to such a responsible job – then make sure you keep your head about you, and take care of those folks you have agreed to drive.

I know there will be some indulgence in the food department. I plan to enjoy holiday meals with my family. Make sure you stick with your commitment to fitness. I’m strong on the “Fit to Win” program and the gym will be available for you throughout the holiday season. If you’re going to be away, don’t forget your fitness regimen. It’s too easy to just blow it off for two or three weeks while you’re home, and then it makes it all that much harder when you get back. Just a little bit of work each day will help you maintain your fitness levels.

Finally, while you’re enjoying your holiday celebrations, take some time with your family and friends to remember those brave individuals, both in the military and in civil service, who are away from their families at this time. They are out there protecting the freedoms we are all enjoying here at home. Raise a glass in salute to all those men and women who have volunteered to be away from their loved ones so that we can all enjoy these holidays at home.

I’m proud of all the work you’ve done throughout the year. I look forward to seeing what we can do together over the next 12 months.



 Publisher: COL Thomas H. Magness, IV

 PAO Chief:

Jay Field

 Editor: Danny Kelly


 Jennie Ayala, Greg Fuderer, Beverly Patterson

 Design/Layout: Richard Jung  

Daniel J. Calderón, Brooks O. Hubbard, IV

 Graphics: Kim Matthews  


The NewsCastle is published monthly under the provisions of AR 360-1 for the employees and extended Engineer Family of the Los Angeles District, USACE. Views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the District or of the Department of Defense. We publish material furnished by the American Forces Information Service and the Public Health Service. Address mail to the Los Angeles District Public Affairs Office, ATTN: NewsCastle Editor, P.O. Box 532711, Los Angeles, CA 90053-2325. Tel: (213) 452-3921 or Fax: (213) 452-4209. You can e-mail your information to the attention of the Public Affairs staff listed above. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

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