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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Mount St. Helens, Washington, Eruption Summary
Mount St. Helens Eruptions, 1980 - 1986

Date eruption began Explosive activity /
Ash plumes
Pyroclastic flows /
Facts of interest Dome growth
Onset of extrusion Duration (days) Erupted volumea
(million cubic meters
Dome volumeb
(million cubic meters
Dome dimensionsc
(l x w x h,
in meters)
May 25, 1980 explosive activity; plume to 9 miles pyroclastic flows            
Jun 12, 1980 explosive activity; plume to 2.5 miles pyroclastic flows 1/2-inch-size pumice fell in Cougar, 10 miles downwind Jun 13 7 5 5 365-365-45
Jul 22, 1980 three explosive pulses; plumes to 6-11 miles; June dome destroyed pyroclastic flows plumes seen in Tacoma, WA, 100 miles north          
Aug 7, 1980 explosive activity; plume to 7-8 miles pyroclastic flows   Aug 8 2 1 1 120-120-60
Oct 16, 1980 explosive activity; plume to 8-9 miles; August dome destroyed pyroclastic flows   Oct 18 1 1.2d 1.2d 300-300-34
Dec 27, 1980     produced two lobes on dome (N and S) Dec 27 7 1.6 2.8 440-320-93
Feb 5, 1981 small tephra-laden plumes accompanied start of extrusion   new lobe on top of dome Feb 5 3 3.6 6.4 520-464-120
Apr 10, 1981 small tephra-laden plumes accompanied start of extrusion, largest reached 1.5 miles above crater floor   lobe added on NNW flank of dome Apr 10 3 4.1 10.5 666-470-129
Jun 18, 1981 small tephra-laden plumes accompanied start of extrusion   lobe covered SW flank of dome to crater floor Jun 18 2 4.1 14.6 574-520-161
Sep 6, 1981 vigorous gas and ash emissions preceded start of extrusion   stubby lobe high on E flank of dome Sep 6 5 3.9 18.5 680-590-161
Oct 30, 1981 small tephra-laden plumes accompanied start of extrusion; small hot explosion during eruption produced ash layer on crater floor     Oct 30 4 3.6 22.1 680-660-184
Mar 19, 1982 most explosive activity since October 1980; plume to 9 miles; pumice deposited March 19 mudflow reached Spirit Lake and N.F.Toutle; major hot rock-avalanche of April 4 created mudflow to N.F.Toutle valley produced two lobes on dome (March, April) Mar 19 24 3.4e 24.5 760-600-195.1
May 14, 1982 small tephra-laden plumes accompanied start of extrusion   lobe on top dome May 14 5 2.7 27.2 800-636-198
Aug 18, 1982     lobe on W side of dome Aug 18 6 4.6 31.8 820-692-204.1
Feb 7, 1983 minor eruptive activity preceded dome growth phase; largest plume to 2-4 miles mudflows across crater; small flow reached Spirit Lake produced two lobes (February, April); 200ft-high spine Feb 7 368 22.4f 53.2 860-780-227.3
Mar 29, 1984g       Mar 29 5      
Jun 17, 1984g       Jun 17   2.0g 54.2g 860-790-227.1g
Sep 10, 1984       Sep 10 3 3.7 57.9 960-800-225.6
May 24, 1985   minor mudflows in crater graben formed May 24 17 4.3 62.2 1000-800-222.9
May 8, 1986       May 8 5 5.8 68.0 1040-800-255.9
Oct 21, 1986       Oct 21 4 6.1 74.1 1060-860-267.2
aTotal volume erupted, including tephra and rockfall debris
bNet volume of dome shown at end of each eruptive episode
cDimensions at end of each extrusive episode, including talus. L, length; w, width, h, height above base of October 1980 lobe at assumed elevation of 1,914 meters. All measurements from topographic maps.
dVolume of October 1980 lobe estimated from dimensions
eIncludes pumice erupted on Marcy 19 and deposited beyond dome, and rock-avalanche of April 4
fIncludes notch in dome blown out and then refilled
gIncludes estimated volume for March and June, 1984, lobes, and crater formed by explosions in May.


Brantley and Bobbie Myers, 1997, Mount St. Helens -- From the 1980 Eruption to 1996: USGS Fact Sheet 070-97;

Christiansen and Peterson, 1981, Chronology of the 1980 Eruptive Activity: IN: Lipman and Mullineaux (eds.), The 1980 Eruptions of Mount St. Helens, Washington, USGS Professional Paper 1250;

Swanson,, Growth of the lava dome at Mount St. Helens, Washington (USA), 1981-1983: IN: Fink (ed.), The Emplacement of Silicic Domes and Lava Flows: GSA Special paper 212;

Swanson, Casadevall, and Dzurisin, 1983, Predicting Eruptions at Mount St. Helens, June 1980 Through December 1982: Science, September 1983, v.221;

Swanson and Holcomb, 1989, Regularities in Growth of the Mount St. Helens Dacite Dome, 1980-1986: IN: IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology, Vol.2, Lava Flows and Domes: Springer-Verlag;

Tilling, Topinka, and Swanson, 1990, Eruptions of Mount St. Helens: Past, Present, and Future: USGS General Interest Publication;

Table compiled by Lyn Topinka, USGS/CVO, June 17, 1997

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08/20/04, Lyn Topinka