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Environmental Compliance Assessment
Manuals for Overseas Installations


The U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force use compliance assessment manuals in maintaining compliance with environmental, safety, and occupational health laws and regulations at military installations overseas. These manuals contain information critical to conducting the Army's Environmental Performance Assessment System (EPAS) Program and the Air Force's Environmental, Safety, and Occupational Health Compliance Assessment and Management Program (ESOHCAMP) overseas.

These broadly applicable compliance manuals are the result of efforts by several agencies: the U.S. Army Environmental Command (USAEC), Headquarters, Air Force Center for Engineering and Environment (HQ AFCEE), and Headquarters, U.S. Air Forces, Europe (HQ USAFE). The manuals are designed for use by Department of Defense (DOD) agencies overseas. Outside continental United States (OCONUS) Compliance Assessment Protocols (OCAP) are based exclusively on the host nation's Final Governing Standards (FGS), where they exist. OCAP protocols have been developed based on the FGS for the Azores, Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. The OCAP-Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document (OEBGD) may be used in those countries for which FGS have not yet been developed.

Individual supplements that address Air Force regulations and Army regulations that apply abroad are also readily available. In addition, a manual based on Major Command (MAJCOM) instructions and policies is available to personnel from installations attached to HQ USAFE.

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