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Past Updates from the Clinician Registry Listserv

Update Sent December 18, 2006

NOTE: This document is provided for historical purposes only and may not provide our most accurate and up-to-date information. The most current Clinician's information can be found on the Clinician Home Page.

The following updates were made to CDC information and guidance from December 11-18, 2006.  If you have any questions on these or other clinical issues, please write to us at

Today's topics include:

E. coli Outbreak

Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157 Infection, November-December 2006 - December 14
This outbreak was clearly linked to Taco Bell restaurants in the northeastern United States. As of 12 PM (ET) December 14, 2006, Thursday, 71 persons with illness associated with the Taco Bell restaurant outbreak have been reported to CDC from 5 states: New Jersey (33), New York (22), Pennsylvania (13), Delaware (2), and South Carolina (1). 


Brief Report: Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged 6--23 Months --- Six Immunization Information System Sentinel Sites, United States, 2005--06 Influenza Season - MMWR Weekly - December 14
This report assesses influenza vaccination coverage among children aged 6--23 months during the 2005--06 influenza season by using data from six immunization information system (IIS) sentinel sites.

Weekly Report: Influenza Summary Update - December 14
During week 49 (December 3 – December 9, 2006), influenza activity remained low overall in the United States, but increased in the Southeast. Among specimens tested by U.S. World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) collaborating laboratories for influenza, 4.9% were positive. One state reported widespread influenza activity; three states reported regional influenza activity; seven states reported local influenza activity; 30 states and New York City reported sporadic influenza activity; and nine states and the District of Columbia reported no influenza activity. On a national level, laboratory, outpatient influenza-like illness (ILI) and mortality surveillance increased slightly from week 48 to week 49, but the ILI and mortality data remain below baseline levels.

Weekly US Map - December 14

Emergency Preparedness

Training for Terrorism-Related Conditions in Hospitals: United States, 2003-04 - December 11
The report, “Training for Terrorism-Related Conditions in Hospitals: United States, 2003-2004,” is based on data from the annual National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, conducted by CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).

Public Health Surveillance for Smallpox --- United States, 2003--2005 - MMWR Weekly - December 15
In 2005, CSTE conducted a cross-sectional survey in the United States and its territories to assess key components for surveillance of suspected smallpox disease, including legal reporting requirements, laboratory testing, and training and education (e.g., oral presentations and guides). This report summarizes the results of that survey, which indicated that 100% had the capacity to receive and investigate reports, 94% of states had legal requirements to report suspected smallpox disease, 70% had mandatory laboratory reporting of results indicative of smallpox disease, and 68% were providing ongoing training and education of health-care providers and public health staff.

Polonium-210 (Po-210)

Information About Polonium-210 in Recent Events in the United Kingdom - Updated December 15
Recent events in the United Kingdom involving radioactive material Polonium-210 (Po-210) has caused concerns for possible public health risks. The U.K. Health Protection Agency has information about Po-210 and this event on their website: ( More information on this topic can be found on the U.K. National Health Service website ( The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed the following basic questions and responses about this topic.

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