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  Healthy Schools

Changing the Scene: Improving the School Nutrition Environment

Do your students have a comfortable place to sit and eat lunch? Do they have enough time to eat?
Is the lunch period too early? Too late? Does the school teach good nutrition in the classroom--and then sell soda to raise money? Are healthy food choices available at school parties and after-school activities as well as in the school dining room? Does the school offer school breakfast only during exam week? Are students learning about the importance of physical activity while they see physical education cut from the curriculum?

Answering these questions will help paint a picture of the nutrition environment in your school. This
is an important first step in making sure that the picture your students see is a healthy nutrition environment. This guide has been designed to assist you--whether you are a parent, school administrator, teacher, school foodservice employee or other concerned member of the
community--to examine your school's nutrition environment, develop a plan for improvement, and put the plan into action. By getting involved now, you can make a big difference--in children's
energy and readiness to learn today; in their health and productivity as adults; and in their success and well-being throughout their lives.