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Internet ResourcesWorld HistoryTeaching and Reference

  • Abzu - Searchable bibliography of web resources on the ancient Near East. Maintained by Charles E. Jones, University of Chicago.

  • AP World History - This site presents the course description for Advanced Placement World History and the most recent year’s open-response questions. These tools should be useful to any world history teacher.

  • Best of History Web Sites - Extensive links to history web sites, rated by history teacher Thomas Daccord.

  • Bridging World History - Annenberg presents “professional development and classroom materials to support the study of world history.” Includes essays, links, teaching units, and an interactive module for exploring themes in world history.

  • Cliopatria: A Group Blog - Part of the History News Network site, this blog page presents postings on varied topics by a roster of academic historians.

  • Early Modern History - Extensive links to sources on the Early Modern period (1500-1800 CE), from British historian Sharon Howard.

  • Echo: Exploring and Collecting History Online - George Mason University provides this resource on science, technology, and industry in world history.

  • Encompassing the Globe: Portugal and the World in the 16th and 17th Centuries - This site on Portugal’s role in the Age of Discovery is integrated with Google Earth.

  • The Encyclopedia of World History - Bartleby presents this reference work containing more than 20,000 entries. Edited by Peter N. Stearns and 30 fellow historians.

  • Genocide Education Project - This nonprofit provides educational materials on genocide, with a particular focus on the Armenian Genocide.

  • Global History - An archive of lesson plans from The New York Times. Example topics: conflict in the Middle East, technology and bridges through history, historical accuracy of news stories, and 20th-century flu pandemics.

  • Guide to Teaching World History and Geography - Colorado teacher Mike Maxwell presents this rich site with articles, lessons, and other teaching aids (e.g., templates for essay questions and research projects).

  • History Quotes - A modest collection of quotes about history that could stimulate discussion and thought about the discipline.

  • H-World - A discussion group on teaching and researching world history.

  • Imaging the French Revolution - This site from George Mason University and UCLA presents essays that examine different “Depictions of the French Revolution Crowd” to provide a multi-faceted look at a major event in world history.

  • Integrating World History with Literature - Children’s literature expert Carol Hurst provides suggestions for integrating the study of world history with literature in the elementary and middle grades.

  • Lesson Plans Library - Discovery School presents a collection of lessons on world history for grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12.

  • - Links to museums worldwide, as well as online exhibits. Maintained by the marketing firm Discovery Media.

  • National Center for History in the Schools - This center at UCLA developed the standards for world history, which are available on the site. Also available are information on professional development opportunities and samples from world history units sold by the center.

  • PBS Teachers - Teacher’s guides for PBS programs, as well as online lesson plans and links to sites with additional background information.

  • Perry-Castañeda Map Collection: Historical Maps - Numerous historical maps of all areas of the world. From the University of Texas Library.

  • PowerPoint Palooza - High school history teacher Susan Pojer provides nearly 100 PowerPoint presentations on European history and global studies.

  • Research Articles on Teaching and Learning History - This annotated listing provides insights into some of the challenges in teaching history to young people. From the University of Nebraska.

  • School History - This British site presents teaching ideas, quizzes, a homework help area for students, and more. While based on the British curriculum, many of the ideas will be equally useful to U.S. teachers.

  • University Museums and Collections - Provides information about and links to more than 2,500 museums maintained by universities around the world.

  • Useful Websites for World Cultures Instructors - An extensive set of links from history professor Sara Tucker at Washburn University.

  • The War: Lesson Plans - A set of lesson plans for using Ken Burns’s latest documentary, on World War II, in the classroom.

  • Wide Angle: Window into Global History - WNET provides lessons and video clips for use in global and world history courses.

  • Women in World History - The Center for History and New Media at George Mason University presents teaching units, teaching case studies, sources, and links for teaching about women in world history.

  • Workshop of the World - This site from the West Midlands region of England provides an interesting lens into the history of invention and the Industrial Revolution.

  • World Conflict Map - The Nobel Foundation provides an interactive map showing 20th-century conflicts.

  • World History Archive - Searchable database of articles and essays on contemporary world history from a working-class and non-Eurocentric perspective.

  • World History Association - This professional organization provides information on professional development opportunities, as well as information about its primary publication, the Journal of World History.

  • World History Blog - Every day, historian Miland Brown highlights a website dealing with historical topics or issues.

  • World History Connected - An online journal for teachers of world history. Example article titles from recent issues include "Baffled by the Doldrums: Teaching the Atlantic in World History,” “The Mongol Empire in World History,” and “Performing History: A Case Study from Mexico."

  • World History Sources - This site from George Mason University presents guides to analyzing various kinds of primary source documents, as well as links to world history sites on the web.

  • World History for Us All - Online units based on organizing questions and themes, developed at San Diego State University.

  • WWW-VL History Central Catalogue - A massive set of links for historians, history teachers, and history students. Maintained at European University Institute in Italy

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