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Internet ResourcesWorld HistoryPrimary and Secondary Sources
  • Ancient Greece - The British Museum presents this interactive site featuring photographs of many material objects, as well as stories and challenges in which users do such tasks as set up a Greek home for a typical day.

  • The Center for the Tebtunis Papyri - The University of California at Berkeley holds this large collection of papyri, discovered in Egypt in 1899-1900. The site provides background information as well as images of the papyri.

  • Cold War International History Project - This project of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars makes available primary source materials from both sides involved in the Cold War.

  • Conversations with History - Teachers of 20th-century world history will find rich source material in this site’s more than 400 interviews with newsmakers, historians, artists, scientists, and others who created and observed that history. From the Institute of International Studies at the University of California Berkeley.

  • Courting History: The Landmark International Criminal Court’s First Years - Human Rights Watch presented this analysis of the first years of the International Criminal Court’s operations.

  • David Rumsey Historical Map Collection - This site compiled by collector David Rumsey presents more than 18,000 historical images, including maps and related cartographic items.

  • Diotima: Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World - Course outlines, translated documents, essays, and other resources on women in the ancient world. Maintained by Ross Scaife of The Stoa, a consortium for electronic publication in the humanities.

  • eHistory: World History - Timelines, biographies, essays, maps, and other resources on world history from Ohio State University.

  • 80 Days that Changed the World - Time Magazine highlights 80 significant days in world history (since 1923) with brief descriptions of the events and reproductions of the associated Time cover.

  • Faraway Places, Fabulous Journeys: Travels on Paper, 1450-1700 - This site from the National Gallery of Art looks at how art was used to give Europeans a glimpse of faraway (and sometimes imaginary) places.

  • Fashion Plate Collection - The University of Washington presents 400 plates from leading French, American, and British fashion magazines of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

  • Finding World History - Links to sites with primary sources in world history, organized by region and time period.

  • Guns, Germs, and Steels - Based on the Jared Diamond book and PBS series of the same title, this site helps teachers and students investigate “history and the development of some of the world's great civilizations and that power and prosperity is based on geography and available resources in specified areas.”

  • Hadrian: Empire and Conflict - This online accompaniment to a new exhibit at the British Museum provides articles and artifacts on the Roman emperor (A.D. 117-138).

  • Historic Cities - Maps of cities in Europe and the Middle East from the 1400s to the 1700s. From the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Jewish National and University Library.

  • History of International Migration - Detailed reference on the history of migration from Leiden University in the Netherlands.

  • History of Nations - A history of every nation on earth is provided on this site.

  • History News Service - This site bills itself as “an informal syndicate of professional historians” who provide “op-ed” articles that put contemporary events in historical context. Although designed as a resource for journalists, the articles are equally useful for teachers and students.

  • History Trails - The BBC provides primary and secondary sources on topics in British and European history, along with information about how to use various types of historical sources.

  • History 20 - Saskatoon Schools provides narratives and documents for the Canadian course in 20th-century history.

  • History Channel: Speeches - More than 500 recordings from the 20th century, ranging from the news report on the birth of the first test-tube baby, portions of F.W. deKlerk’s speech on the eve of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, and Argentinian propaganda broadcast to British ships during the war over the Falkland Islands.

  • HistoryWorld - This British site contains more than 400 articles, numerous timelines, and descriptions of 6000 events that can be called up by date, region, or topic.

  • HyperHistory Online - This site presents information through numerous charts, maps, and timelines that show events in various regions or areas of endeavor (economics, science, music) that occurred at the same time. Maintained by Andreas Nothiger.

  • International Institute of Social History - This organization in the Netherlands offers online exhibitions on labor history around the world, Communist art, and other social history topics.

  • Imperial War Museum - This British site presents numerous online exhibitions including primary and secondary sources on all the armed conflicts in which the British Commonwealth has been involved since World War I.

  • League of Nations Photo Archive - Insight into the international balance of power and leadership of many countries is provided through this collection of photographs.

  • Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution - More than 600 primary documents, plus topical essays, a timeline, and a glossary. From George Mason University and the City University of New York.

  • Mapping History - The British Museum presents historic maps and commentary to help students understand their significance. Activities are also provided.

  • Medieval and Modern Thought Text Digitization Project - Stanford University provides this searchable and browseable database of primary sources in the broad area of medieval and modern thought.

  • Odyssey Online - Designed for elementary and middle school students, this site provides information on ancient history of the Near East, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Africa, well illustrated with art and other artifacts. Teaching activities are also suggested. From Emory University’s Michael C. Carlos Museum, Dallas Museum of Art, and the Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester.

  • On This Day - This site from the BBC allows users to investigate events on any day in world history since 1950.

  • Open Vault - Public television station WGBH provides more than 1000 video clips featuring “unique and historically important content” and intended for classroom use.

  • People’s Century - At this site accompanying the PBS series on 20th-century world history, the most valuable teaching resources are the transcripts of interviews conducted with people who witnessed or took part in major events of the century.

  • Perseus Digital Library - Tufts University presents primary sources in world history, as well as exhibits on Hercules and the ancient Olympics.

  • Twenty Voices - A film and other information about the Armenian genocide of 1915 are featured on this site.

  • Virtually the Ice Age - Creswell Crags, a British site where evidence from the Ice Age has been found, provides this educational site on the Ice Age.

  • A Walk Through Time - The National Institute of Standards and Technology looks at the evolution of time measurement through the ages.

  • Women in World History - Background information, quotes, and teaching ideas on women in world history. From historian Lyn Reese.

  • World Heritage - UNESCO provides detailed information about its efforts to preserve significant sites in world history, as well as background on all the 851 current sites.

  • World Literature Timelines - The publishing company Norton provides this set of timelines that relate events related to literature to larger historical events.

  • Year by Year - InfoPlease Almanac presents information about events in several categories (politics, entertainment, science, economics) for every year in the 20th and 21st centuries.

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Last updated 11/04/2008