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Internet ResourcesU.S. HistoryChronological Period

This framework corresponds to the Historical Eras index in the Time Pathfinder found in the How to Search section of Getting Started. Where overlap among periods occurs, particular resources are included in more than one place if relevant to the period.

Colonial Settlement (1492 - 1763)
The American Revolution (1763 - 1783)
The New Nation (1780 - 1815)
Expansion and Reform (1801 - 1861)
The Civil War and Reconstruction (1850 - 1877)
Development of the Industrial United States (1876 - 1915)
Emergence of Modern America (1890 - 1930)
The Great Depression and World War II (1929 - 1945)
Postwar United States (1945 - early 1970s)
Contemporary United States (1968 - Present)


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Last updated 01/03/2003