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Internet ResourcesSocial SciencesSociology

  • American Sociological Association - Find out what's happening in the profession at this Web site; the online newsletter Footnotes presents results of sociological research in easy-to-understand language.

  • Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence - This center at the University of Colorado provides fact sheets on topics related to violence, including many focused on school violence.

  • Electronic Journal of Sociology - Quarterly journal of research in sociology, edited by Dr. Mike Sosteric of Athabasca University.

  • Everyday Sociology - A group blog that features commentary from contributing sociologists around the country. Supported by Norton, a publisher of college textbooks.

  • Famous Sociologists - Links to scholarly essays analyzing the works of leading sociological theorists and excerpts from classic writings by the theorists themselves. Maintained at the University of Amsterdam.

  • FedStats - A single point of access for statistics maintained by U.S. government agencies.

  • First Measured Century - This companion web site to a three-hour PBS special with Ben Wattenberg presents information on social trends in the 20th century, along with lesson plans, a timeline, and more.

  • Global Distribution of Poverty - An interesting site featuring 300 maps related to poverty, as well as publications and data on the topic.

  • Glossary of Social Science - Rogers State sociology professor Frank Elwell has developed this basic glossary of social science terms for sociology students.

  • Institute for Social Research - Results of research studies done at this center at the University of Michigan. Topics range from attitudes toward cell phones, why women don't enter careers in math and science, and how wealth influences people's experiences in their last year of life.

  • International Sociological Association - This society presents such resources as a code of ethics for sociologists and a list of the books sociologists identified as most influential in the development of their careers.

  • Internet Resources for Teaching Sociology of Aging - Monika Deppen Wood at Rutgers University provides teaching resources and links for teaching about aging in a sociological context.

  • Intute Social Science: Sociology - Extensive links on all aspects of sociology.

  • National Academy for Teaching and Learning About Aging: Resources - This center at University of North Texas provides lesson plans and lists of films and children’s books for teaching about aging.

  • National Criminal Justice Reference Service - Data, reports, and links on topics related to criminology and corrections. From the Department of Justice.

  • National Opinion Research Center - This center at the University of Chicago pursues studies on a wide variety of topics from aging to energy consumption, and substance abuse.

  • Pew Global Attitudes Project - This ambitious project from the Pew Research Center presents the results of more than 90,000 interviews in 50 countries.

  • Population Reference Bureau - Articles, datasheets, and lesson plans on topics related to the study of population.

  • Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan - Interdisciplinary research on population, including studies in sociology, economics, public health, anthropology, and political science.

  • Prevention Works - This blog from the National Crime Prevention Council provides insights into the application of sociological research to societal problems; many topics are school-based.

  • Public Agenda Online - Polling data on a wide array of topics and issues.

  • Researching Sociology on the Internet - An informative guide from Wadsworth, a college textbook publisher.

  • Roper Center for Public Opinion Research - Includes data archives of public opinion information from surveys in the United States, Japan, and Latin America, and information on polling and its uses.

  • Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace - Professor Michael Kearl of Trinity University provides this interesting look at such sociological topics as death and dying, marriage and family life, and race and ethnicity.

  • SocioLog: Julian Dierkes' Comprehensive Guide to Sociology On-Line - Links related to sociology.

  • Sociology - The New York Times highlights news stories on sociological topics.

  • Sociology Central - British sociologist Chris Livesey has made available notes, worksheets, lessons, and myriad other resources for teaching and learning sociology.

  • Sociology 101 - An online course from the University of North Carolina Greensboro, with lots of useful information and a glossary.

  • Sociology Online - A good place to begin examining issues and theories in sociology. Maintained by Tony Fitzgerald at Nottingham Trent University.

  • Sociology of Religion - A nice introduction to this subfield from the Hartford Institute for Religion Research.

  • Statistical Resources on the Web: Sociology - The Document Center at the University of Michigan presents this comprehensive set of links to sources of data useful to those conducting sociological research.

  • Survey Research - The Writing Center at Colorado State University presents this guide to conducting survey research and reporting on results.

  • Teaching Sociology - The contents of this quarterly journal, aimed primarily at college teachers but with interesting ideas for secondary teachers as well, are now available online.

  • Undergraduate Writing in Sociology - The University of North Carolina provides tips for students writing sociology papers.

  • U.S. Census Bureau - Data tables and maps presenting census data, plus materials to help teachers use census information.

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