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Internet ResourcesGovernment, Economics and LawState and Local Government

  • Center for State Homeland Security - This nonprofit organization aims to help state and local governments address issues of security in the post-9/11 era.

  • City Mayors - This British site provides news and analysis of problems facing the world’s cities.

  • Civics Institute - Twenty-seven lessons on state and local government are provided at this site; while focused on Michigan, the lessons could be adapted for use in other states.

  • Community and Economic Development - This site from the University of Illinois provides tools for communities engaged in planning for development.

  • Council of State Governments - Information about issues of concern to all three branches of state government.

  • Education Commission of the States - Detailed background information about educational issues faced by state governments across the country.

  • Environmental Council of the States - Nonprofit organization dedicated to helping states protect the natural environment.

  • FindLaw: State Resources - Extensive directory of links for researching states' laws, constitutions, and court systems.

  • - An online magazine for state and local officials; provides analysis of issues and links to news from around the country.

  • Government Technology - The site’s subtitle explains its purpose and content: “Solutions for State and Local Government in the Information Age.”

  • - A portal for information from and about governments at the local, state, national, and international levels. A service of StartSport Mediaworks.

  • How Does Government Affect Me? - This interactive PBS site helps younger students understand how government at all levels affects daily life.

  • Improvement and Development Gateway - Covers efforts to improve local government in the UK. Many ideas are applicable to U.S. communities as well.

  • Initiative and Referendum Institute - This center at the University of Southern California looks at the impact of direct democracy on states and cities.

  • Institute on Money in State Politics - This organization documents campaign contributions at the state level.

  • International Association of Chiefs of Police - Learn about issues related to policing around the world.

  • International City/County Management Association - This professional association for city/county managers provides background on management issues. An interesting section on ethics in city management is included.

  • Local Government Commission - This California nonprofit provides detailed information about development of “livable, prosperous, and resource-efficient” communities.

  • Local Stuff—Learn About Local Government - Although written from an Australian perspective, this site’s teaching ideas could easily be adapted by U.S. teachers.

  • Maine Municipal Association Lesson Plans Index - Local government lesson plans for all grade levels, produced in cooperation with the state social studies council.

  • National Association of Attorneys General - Information on issues faced by Attorneys General around the nation, along with links to state offices.

  • National Association of Counties - Issues of interest to county governments are discussed on this association’s web site.

  • National Association of Secretaries of State - Links to the Secretaries of State around the nation, plus information about what these important officials do.

  • National Association of Towns and Townships - Users can learn about the issues facing small communities at this web site.

  • National Center for State Courts - This resource center for state courts provides such resources as an annual report on trends in state courts.

  • National Civic League - An organization dedicated to strengthening “citizen democracy” in communities by developing communities’ ability to implement innovative political reforms and programs to meet community challenges.

  • National Conference of State Legislatures - Updates on issues before state legislatures, information about state-federal relations, and links to the sites of state legislatures and state governments. Also provides lesson plans for America's Legislators Back to School Program.

  • National Congress of American Indians - Covers policy issues of concern to tribal governments. Also offers extensive links, including links to tribal government sites.

  • National District Attorneys Association - Background and news on issues of interest to local prosecutors.

  • National Governors' Association - Information on issues of concern to governors.

  • National School Boards Association - This organization provides information on issues of interest to a special unit of local government—school boards.

  • Pew Center on the States - This site features reports on state issues, such as investing in innovation, Medicaid policies, and articulation across educational systems.

  • Reviving Rural America Radio Series - The W.W. Kellogg Foundation sponsored development of this series of nine 30-minute programs on the challenges facing rural communities. ID=0

  • Sister Cities International - Resources for communities interested in the person-to-person diplomacy promoted by sister city relationships.

  • Smart City - A weekly public radio program focused on "the people, places, ideas and trends shaping cities."

  • State Facts for Kids - The Census Bureau provides facts for every state, along with teaching suggestions.

  • - Funded by Pew, this site presents daily news about politics and government in the states.

  • State and Local Government on the Net - Links to state and local government online resources in the United States. By Piper Resources.

  • StateMaster - This site allows users to compare states along various dimensions and to create visuals such as graphs, maps, and charts showing those comparisons.

  • StateScape: Resources - This consulting firm provides links to state legislatures, information on which party is in power in each state, links to newspapers in state capitals, and more.

  • Student Voices Local Government Curriculum - An eight-unit curriculum on local government.

  • SustainLane Government - A database of environmentally sustainable governmental practices.

  • Urban Age Institute - A think tank focused on solving the problems of the world’s cities.

  • Urban Institute: Five Questions for… - A useful archive of interviews with researchers investigating the issues facing urban areas.

  • U.S. Conference of Mayors - Information about issues being dealt with by mayors, plus a searchable data base of information about mayors and election results from cities of 30,000 or more population.

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Last updated 11/04/2008