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Internet ResourcesGovernment, Economics and LawLaw

  • American Bar Association - Information on the law and legal profession, as well as educational materials and resources for nonlawyers in the Public Education section of the site. A Constitution Day page presents lessons and prompts for discussing constitutional issues.

  • American Constitution Society - Scholarly papers and video of panel discussions on such topics as access to justice, constitutional interpretation, and the religion clauses from a liberal perspective.

  • Bill of Rights Institute - Lessons and other resources for teaching about the Bill of Rights.

  • Brown v. Board: Five Communities that Changed America - The National Park Service provides an instructional unit on the five cases that made up the decision we know as Brown v. Board.

  • Center for Civic Education - Sample lessons, articles and speeches, and information about the Center's many educational programs.

  • Center for Education in Law and Democracy - Numerous lessons, information on research in civic education and professional development, and professional development modules on discussion and simulations.

  • Chicago Daily Law Bulletin - The nation’s only daily newspaper devoted to legal issues, the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin covers not only Chicago and Illinois news, but national and international issues as well.

  • Civically Speaking - Numerous lessons, a mini-mock trial manual, and more from the Minnesota Center for Community Legal Education.

  • Civil Rights Videos - The video production company Vat19 provides brief videos on seven civil rights cases, featuring interviews with legal experts and actors depicting Supreme Court justices reading excerpts from the decisions.

  • Constitutional Rights Foundation - Lessons for teaching about the law, plus a free newsletter, The Bill of Rights in Action, and an excellent section on America's response to terrorism.

  • Constitutional Rights Foundation: Chicago - An excellent site for law teachers, with an especially strong section on the American jury.

  • Deliberating in a Democracy - This support site for an international civic education project presents materials that can be used to engage students in discussing controversial public issues.

  • Educational Curriculum on the Death Penalty - An online curriculum unit that covers both sides of this controversial legal issue. From the Death Penalty Information Center and Michigan State University.

  • Famous Trials - Detailed information about 41 notable trials, as well as an examination of legal heroes. From University of Missouri-Kansas City professor Douglas Linder.

  • The Federalist Society - This conservative group studies and produces reports on such topics as presidential signing statements, activities of NGOs, and terrorism and the Constitution.

  • FindLaw - A comprehensive site that is a good starting point for investigating legal issues.

  • Freedom Forum - An excellent source for information on First Amendment issues; also includes teaching resources.

  • Global Legal Information Network - A searchable database of laws, regulations, and other legal sources deposited at the Library of Congress by nations around the world.

  • H-Citizenship - A forum for discussion of topics related to citizenship. The site also provides links to related resources.

  • Headline Legal News - LexisOne provides daily news updates on law and the legal system.

  • In Pursuit of Freedom and Equality: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka - Detailed information and such teaching tools as a play script from the Brown Foundation for Educational Equity, Excellence, and Research.

  • Jurist: The Legal Education Network - The University of Pittsburgh Law School offers extensive resources on the law, including discussion forums, a newsletter Paper Chase, articles on famous trials, and more.

  • Justice Learning - NPR and The New York Times present debates, articles, and lesson plans on such current issues as affirmative action, civil liberties in wartime, and web censorship.

  • Landmark Supreme Court Cases - Street Law and the Supreme Court Historical Society present in-depth teaching materials for 17 landmark cases decided by the Supreme Court.

  • - Legal news and a searchable data base from Incisive Media.

  • Law-Focused Education - The State Bar of Texas provides a lesson plan archive, a curriculum guide on juries, a game teaching the Pledge of Allegiance, and more.

  • Law for Kids - The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services and Education presents this large site on the law specifically geared for young people.

  • Legal Blogs - Rutgers provides a directory of blogs on legal topics, along with a tutorial on how to use blogs as information resources.

  • Legal Information Institute - A comprehensive source of legal information, including information on Supreme Court cases, court opinions, links to laws organized by topic, and more.

  • Legal News Center - The consulting firm Hieros Gamos provides links to journals, newsletters, bulletins, and other sources of legal news.

  • - Fun activities that teach young children about crime. From the National Crime Prevention Council.

  • Missouri’s Dred Scott Case, 1846-1857 - This site from the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office provides background information and primary sources on the landmark case.

  • National Constitution Center - A collection of lesson plans and a game on the Bill of Rights are among the resources at this site.

  • National Criminal Justice Reference Service - This federally sponsored clearinghouse provides numerous reports on criminal justice issues.

  • National High School Mock Trial Championship - This organization coordinates competitive high school mock trials. The site provides links to the state coordinators (many of whose sites provide mock trial cases useful in classrooms as well as the competition).

  • National Jury Center - The American Judicature Society presents detailed background on juries and their importance in the U.S. judicial system.

  • National Report Card: Civics - The National Assessment of Educational Progress presents results, a civic education framework, and assessment items.

  • National Youth Court Center - Information about youth courts and their operation from this federally funded center.

  • Street Law - Useful resources for law teachers, plus a link to the support site for the popular Street Law text.

  • Teaching with Documents: Observing Constitution Day - The National Archives presents activities useful for the congressionally mandated observance of Constitution Day, September 17.

  • Washington Courts: Educational Resources - The Washington state courts provide lessons for all grades (K-12), as well as other resources useful to students and teachers.

  • Youth for Justice - Site of a collaborative national project in law-related education, providing links to state law-related education centers plus resources useful to teachers and program planners.

  • Youth Summits - The Oregon Classroom Law Project provides excellent units they have used in youth summits, in which students examine issues in depth and come together with community members to discuss solutions.

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Last updated 11/04/2008