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Internet ResourcesGovernment, Economics and LawEconomics

  • Argmax - The site’s subtitle—“Economics News, Data, and Analysis”—describes the content provided by John Irons of the Economy Policy Institute.

  • BBC News: Business - Global economic news from a British perspective.

  • Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Education - This center at the University of Missouri-St. Louis provides lesson plans on economics.

  • Chazen Web Journal of International Business - The Columbia Business School provides this online periodical dealing with issues related to international business and economics.

  • Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy - This six-part PBS series on globalization, world trade, and economic development is available online, along with a timeline, glossary, teacher's guide, and other resources.

  • Consumer Action Website - Access to the federal government’s Consumer Action Handbook and links to a consumer directory.

  • Consumer Consequences - This online game allows users to assess how sustainable their lifestyle choices are.

  • Economicae - Definitions of hundreds of economic terms, plus profiles of famous economists.

  • Economic Education: EcEdWeb - Numerous teaching resources plus links to economics-related web sites. Maintained at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

  • Economic History Services - Listing of databases in economic history, essays, discussion groups, an “Ask the Professor” feature, and a collection of course syllabi. Maintained by the Economic History Association.

  • The Economic Statistics Briefing Room - Reports and statistics on income, employment, production, prices, money, credit, markets, transportation, and international trade, among other economic matters. A service of the White House.

  • Economic Report of the President - An annual report on the state of the economy, prepared by the Chief of the President's Council of Economic Advisors in conjunction with submission of the budget to Congress.

  • Economics Blog - Professor John Kane of SUNY-Oswego provides this list of economics blogs.

  • The Economics Classroom - An online workshop for economics teachers in grades 9-12. From the Annenberg Foundation.

  • Eldis: Gateway to Development Information - Searchable data bases of information on economic development around the world. From the Institute for Development Studies, Sussex.

  • Escape from Knab - Online simulation that teaches financial decision-making. Participants must earn money in order to escape from the unpleasant planet Knab.

  • Fed 101 - An introduction to the Federal Reserve system, with student and teacher material, from the Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City.

  • Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco: Educational Resources - Another set of useful tools for teaching economics from the Fed.

  • Foundation for Teaching Economics - Online lesson plans and courses.

  • Games Economists Play - Marietta College economists Greg Delemeester and Jurgen Brauer provide a compilation of 160 non-computerized economic games for classroom use.

  • Global 3.0 - A series of radio programs and print articles on globalization from reporters Chris Farrell and John Biewen.

  • Globalization101 - The Center for Strategic and International Studies provides interdisciplinary lessons and issues briefs related to the phenomenon of globalization and related policy questions.

  • Great Ideas for Teaching Economics - Professor Ralph Byrns of the University of North Carolina has collected hundreds of teaching ideas from other economics instructors.

  • H.I.P. Pocket Change - The U.S. Mint provides this educational page for students; teaching ideas are also provided.

  • Inside the Vault - An economic education newsletter from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

  • Journal of Economic Education - Articles on teaching techniques, materials, and programs in economics. While targeted primarily for college instructors, the journal will also interest high school teachers, especially AP teachers.

  • Junior Achievement - The free enterprise education organization provides sample lessons, an online newsletter, and other resources for teachers. A special Student Center provides resources for students, including information on business ethics.

  • Kiplinger OnLine - Kiplinger Magazine online, providing business and financial information.

  • Levy Economics Institute - This research center at Bard College provides policy briefs on economics issues.

  • Library of Economics and Liberty - With support from the Liberty Fund, this site provides an encyclopedia of economics as well as numerous articles on topics related to economics.

  • The Mint - An interactive site on personal finance issues for middle and high school students. From Northwestern Mutual and the National Council on Economic Education.

  • More or Less - This BBC site helps users understand the uses of statistics, with a particularly strong focus on economics.

  • My Money - A financial literacy site from the federal government.

  • National Bureau of Economic Research - Scholarly papers and links to other economics resources online.

  • National Council on Economic Education - Information on the group's curriculum standards and EconEdLink, a source for interactive web-based economics lessons.

  • Our Money - An instructional unit on currency, including the history of money, from the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis.

  • Peanuts and Crackerjack - The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston provides a unit on the economics of professional sports.

  • Resources for Economists on the Internet - Links to more than 1,500 sites provided by the American Economic Association.

  • Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research - Economic news, policy briefings, and more.

  • Teaching Economics As If People Mattered - Lesson plans from United for a Fair Economy, a group that advocates for greater economic equality.

  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Economic data from the U.S. government, including the Consumer Price Index.

  • Visualizing Economics - Features maps and charts that make economic data come alive. From economist and designer Catherine Mulbrandon.

  • Vox - The Centre for Economic Policy Research provides "research-based policy analysis and commentary from Europe’s leading economists."

  • Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition - Activities and background information on economic concepts.

  • Why Study Economics - One of several interesting economics sites from Britain’s Higher Education Academy, this site provides a rationale for learning about economics. Also of note are the Economics Network and the Internet Economist.

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