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Internet ResourcesGeneral InternetNews

  • ABYZ News Links - Provides links to more than 17,000 newspapers and other news sources around the world. Links are organized geographically and are searchable.

  • American Journalism Review - A monthly analyzing American news media. The site also provides links to news outlets, journalism organizations, media monitoring groups, and more.

  • The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists - This site provides current political cartoons, as well as lessons featuring analysis of political cartoons.

  • BBC World Service - A comprehensive source of world news from a non-American perspective; available in multiple languages.

  • Blueeyes Magazine - This site on documentary photography presents photo essays on such topics as “skate rats,” the steel mills of Pennsylvania, and the daily struggle of life in such locations as Iraq and Nigeria.

  • Business - The Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism at Arizona State University provides this site, which is intended for journalists but is also useful to anyone interested in business news.

  • Center for Public Integrity - This organization aims to “produce investigative journalism about significant public issues to make institutional power more transparent and accountable.” The site includes stories on such topics as welding as a hazardous occupation, lobbying by pharmaceutical companies, and war-related contracting.

  • Citizen Media Law Project - Among the features at this site are a “Citizen Media Legal Guide” explaining such topics as defamation and intellectual property.

  • - Current news and a searchable archive. CNN also has a special page for students and teachers, called CNN Student News.

  • Committee of Concerned Journalist - Tools for journalists, as well as coverage of media issues.

  • Public Affairs on the Web - C-SPAN coverage, as well as an online expert to answer questions about the workings of Congress. C-SPAN Classroom provides resources for using C-SPAN in civics and government classes.

  • Dialogue Radio and Television - Radio and television programs from the Woodrwo Wilson International Center for Scholars feature dialogues on topics of current concern.

  • Education Week on the Web - The weekly paper providing news about education around the United States.

  • - A portal to thousands of news sites on the web, accessible by media type, region/locality, and topic. Published by StartSpot Mediaworks.

  • High School Journalism - The American Society of Newspaper Editors sponsors this site, which includes links on “hot” topics, tips for young journalists and their teachers, and links to 350 high school newspapers.

  • Investigative Reporters and Editors - A database of more than 20,000 investigative stories, as well as tipsheets on investigative reporting.

  • IPI Global Journalist - The International Press Institute at the University of Missouri provides a journal and radio program on issues in global journalism. Recent issues covered are imprisonment of independent journalists in Cuba, the Beijing Olympics and pro-Tibet protests, and the lives of exiled African journalists.

  • J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism - American University provides this site on interactive journalism, also known as citizen journalism.

  • J-learning - Tools for “citizen journalists” from the Institute for Interactive Journalism at the University of Maryland’s College of Journalism.

  • The Journalist’s Toolbox - The American Press Institute provides this useful resource, with links and backgrounders on current and persisting issues.

  • Media Awareness Network - This Canadian project provides resources for teachers and parents who want to teach young people media literacy skills.

  • Media Channel - A site “concerned with the political, cultural and social impacts of the media.” Maintained by Danny Schechter and Rory O’Connor with support of The Global Center.

  • MSNBC: The Week in Pictures - The site features compelling visuals related to current news but also provides in-depth articles. Previous weeks' stories and images are archived.

  • My Virtual Newspaper: Editorials/Opinions - Provides links to the editorial pages of 125 U.S. newspapers, as well as 63 syndicated columnists.

  • NewJour - A database of journals and newsletters published on the Internet. The database is maintained at the University of California at San Diego libraries. Users can subscribe to NewJour to receive notifications of new items.

  • News - Links to newspapers and other media organizations, including U.S. dailies, Canadian papers, selected international papers, weeklies, the alternative press, and more.

  • News War - Part of the PBS Frontline series, this site looks at the challenges facing the news media, presents profiles of 50 journalists, and considers the future of journalism.

  • Nieman Watchdog - Harvard University presents this site, whose subtitle is “Questions the Press Should Ask.” Subjects in September 2008 include the effectiveness of the surge in Iraq, presidential debates, and global economic problems.

  • NPR Online - National Public Radio brings its eclectic brand of news and features to the Web.

  • Online Journalism Review - Analysis of issues specific to journalism on the Web. From the University of Southern California School of Journalism. OJR is part of the Knight Digital Media Center.

  • Online NewsHour - Along with this online version of Jim Lehrer's program, PBS also offers a special page for students.

  • On the Media - Audio files of the media analysis radio program from public radio station WNYC. Recent issues discussed include negative/nonsubstantive political advertising, how false “information” on the Internet can affect the stock market, and Google’s new web browser.

  • Politics Line - A collection of opinion columns from major newspapers, updated daily.

  • Reporters Without Borders - News from the international organization based in France that works for press freedom and the safety of journalists worldwide.

  • Today's Front Pages - The Newseum presents the front pages from 690 newspapers from 63 countries daily.

  • UNICEF Video/Audio - Vod- and Podcasts of news related to issues facing children worldwide.

  • Voice of America - Voice of America, supported by the U.S. government, broadcasts news worldwide in 50 languages.

  • Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition - Each issue of this monthly for students focuses on one or more themes and includes material from the daily print edition.

  • Word for Word - Each week, this site provides a speech on an issue in the news. Recent topics include the “just war” theory, terrorism, and how the rich get richer.

  • The World - International news from Public Radio International.

  • World News - The World News Network provides news organized by region and topic.

  • World Press Review - News from around the world, plus lesson plans and the full text of documents in the news. Also features links to blogs around the world.

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Last updated 10/29/2008