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Internet ResourcesArea StudiesMiddle East and North Africa

  • Abzu - Searchable bibliography of web resources on the ancient Near East. Maintained by Charles E. Jones, University of Chicago.

  • Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul - The National Gallery of Art provides this exhibition of Afghan artifacts. From the National Gallery of Art and National Geographic.

  • Al Jazeera.Net - The news channel based in Qatar provides insight into Arab perspectives on the world’s news.

  • Ancient Mesopotamia: This History, Our History - The University of Chicago provides insights into life in ancient Mesopotamia.

  • Arab Media and Society - An online journal analyzing media issues in the Arab world.

  • BBC News: Middle East - Current news stories about the Middle East. Maintained by the British Broadcasting Company.

  • Brooklyn Museum: Mut Precinct - Documentation of a dig at an important religious site.

  • Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs - Background on most Middle Eastern countries, including geography, people, government, economics, history, and agriculture. Maintained by the U.S. Department of State.

  • Caravan Kingdoms: Yemen and the Ancient Incense Trade - The Sackler Gallery at the Smithsonian presents this exhibit on the art of Yemen, with particular attention to how trade contributed to the development of the area’s artistic heritage.

  • Council on Islamic Education - This organization encourages accurate teaching about Islam by providing research-based resources to educators and publishers. Examples include a teacher’s guide on Muslim
    holidays and a glossary of terms about Islam.

  • ECAI Iraq - This site calls itself a “portal into existing digital resources about history, cultural sites, archaeological excavations and heritage preservation initiatives.”

  • Eternal Egypt - Extensive information about the history of Egypt; from Egyptian Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage and IBM.

  • Human Rights Watch: Middle East/North Africa - Reports on human rights issues in the region from the nonprofit Human Rights Watch.

  • Iranian Oral History Project - Oral history accounts from more than 150 people who witnessed important events in Iran between the 1920s and the 1980s. From Harvard.

  • Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics - Census and economic data from the Israeli government.

  • The Jerusalem Archaeological Park - A timeline, virtual tours, panoramic views, and more focused on Israel’s “most important antiquity site.”

  • Middle East in Early Prints and Photographs - More than 8,800 prints and photographs dating from the 17th to the early 20th century. From the New York Public Library.

  • Middle East Media Research Institute - Provides translations of articles from Middle Eastern media, as well as Institute-produced analysis of the U.S. and the Middle East, Jihad and terrorism, Arab-Israeli conflict, inter-Arab relations, and economics in the Middle East.

  • Middle East and North Africa - Current information on people and events in the Middle East and North Africa, with archives of reports, speeches, and briefings on the region. The site, maintained by the U.S. Information Agency, is updated daily.

  • Middle East and North Africa - The World Bank presents news on the economies and development of nations in the region.,,menuPK:247603~pagePK:158889~piPK:146815~teSitePK:256299,00.html

  • Middle East Photograph Archive - Archive of early photos of the Middle East, including background information on the photograph collection. From the Middle East Department of the University of Chicago Library.

  • Middle East Research and Information Project - Publisher of Middle East Report, MERIP provides online selections from recent issues and “Press Information Notes” on Middle Eastern topics.

  • Middle East Studies Internet Resources - Internet links from Columbia University.

  • Music, Song, and Dance - Music, song and dance of the Middle East. The collection provides information on artists, instruments, music archives, songs, and sources of Arabic music. Maintained by Professor Børre Ludvigsen of Østfold College in Norway.

  • NetIran - A source for comprehensive information about Iran, including links to Iranian newspapers.

  • North Africa Journal - Analysis and commentary on North African affairs.

  • Perry-Castaneda Library: Middle East Maps - Atlases and political and historical maps of the Middle East. Maintained by the University of Texas at Austin.

  • Petra: Lost City of Stone - Explore the lives of ancient desert people through the work of archeologists studying this lost city in the deserts of Jordan.

  • Road Not Traveled: Education Reform in the Middle East and North Africa - The World Bank provides this analysis of the economic analysis of the impact of investments in education in the Middle East and North Africa.,,contentMDK:21617643~pagePK:146736~piPK:226340~theSitePK:256299,00.html

  • Saban Center for Middle East Policy - This center at the Brookings Institution provides original research on U.S. policy toward the Middle East.

  • Saudi Arabian Market Explorer - Ministry of Information provides news, issues, and country information and links.

  • The Struggle for Iraq - BBC World News provides articles, galleries and recent news to help students understand the background, implications, and experience of the War in Iraq.

  • Teaching with the News: Conflict in Iraq: Confronting Policy Alternatives - The Choices Project at Brown University provides this module in which students consider various policy options related to Iraq.

  • Theban Mapping Project - Maps, articles, a glossary, a timeline of Egyptian history, and other resources on the Valley of Kings.

  • Travelers in the Middle East Archive - Rice University presents accounts of the Middle East written by Western travelers. Also provided are photographs, drawings, and GIS maps.

  • UN Information System on the Question of Palestine - Collection of UN documents relating to Palestine and Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East since 1947.

  • UN News Centre: The Middle East - News about UN activities and initiatives in the region.

  • Unraveling the Mysteries of King Tutankhamun - National Geographic provides a fun site encouraging students to explore the story of the boy king.

  • World Press Review: Middle East and North Africa - Reprints of articles from and analysis of world press coverage of the region.

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