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  • AP European History Course Home Page - Goals and themes for teaching European history are provided in this guide from AP Central. Sample exam questions and other useful resources are also provided.

  • AP European History Course Home Page - Goals and themes for teaching European history are provided in this guide from AP Central. Sample exam questions and other useful resources are also provided.

  • BBC History – The BBC provides information and resources on ancient, British, and recent history, plus special sections on World Wars I and II.

  • Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs - Information on European and Eurasian countries and U.S. policy toward the region from the State Department.

  • Center for European Studies - Biweekly newsletter and resources for language and social studies teachers from the University of North Carolina.

  • Center for West European Studies – This center at the University of Washington provides curriculum and links useful to those who teach about Europe.

  • Commonwealth of Diverse Cultures: Poland’s Heritage – This interactive site, developed as part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, examines the diverse background of the Polish people.

  • The East Central European Center - Links to the countries of East Central Europe, much regional information, and an online journal of the region’s postwar history and politics. Maintained by the East Central European Center, Columbia University.

  • Erik Herron’s Guide to Politics in East Central Europe and Eurasia – The author of this site, a professor at the University of Kansas, provides links to government agencies, NGOs, and news sources for individual countries in the regions of interest.

  • Exploring 20th Century London – Several London museums present this site on the past 100 years of London’s history. It includes maps, a timeline, and numerous visuals.

  • EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History - Historical sources organized by country and, within country, chronologically. Maintained by librarian Richard Hacken at Brigham Young University

  • Europa - A European Union site providing detailed information on the European Union's history, member nations, rights of citizens, and much more.

  • European History - Extensive set of links from the University of Washington.

  • European Newspapers, Magazines, and News Sites in English - Links to English-language news sites from 51 European nations.

  • European Schoolnet - Learn about education in Europe through this site serving European teachers and students.

  • European Union: A Guide for Americans - The title accurately describes this site from the European Commission to the United States.

  • Europe Today - News program broadcast from the BBC World Service in London, available in Real Audio and text-based formats.

  • Goethe Institute –The Goethe Institute provides an array of resources on Germany, including newsletters on arts and culture.

  • Guardian Unlimited Podcasts - The highly regarded Manchester Guardian provides podcasts on events and trends in the UK and more broadly.

  • Geograph British Isles – This fun site is attempting to collect a photograph for every single square kilometer of the British Isles. The collection to date provides an overview of British geography.

  • Historical Atlas of Europe - Illustrates the political status in Europe at the end of each century from 1 to 2000 CE. Maintained by Christos Nüssli of Switzerland.

  • History Guide - This guide for high school and college students and teachers of history includes numerous lectures on European history by webmaster and historian Steven Kreis.

  • History of Nations: Europe - A brief history of every country in Europe.

  • Institute for European Studies Outreach: K-12 Resources – Cornell provides teacher-developed curriculum units, information about teacher-training opportunities, and a newsletter, Teaching Europe Today.

  • Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies: Links for Educators - An extensive list of links selected especially for teachers. From the University of California at Berkeley.

  • It Came from Greek Mythology - Instructional unit on the standard themes and plots of Greek myths and the meanings these myths have today.

  • Map of Central and Eastern Europe - A full color map of Central and Eastern Europe and detailed maps of specific countries. Maintained by the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe.

  • Migrant Integration Policy Index – The British Council analyzes whether policies of EU countries provide immigrants with “opportunities to participate in European societies.”

  • Mostly Medieval: Exploring the Middle Ages – A collection of information on the Middle Ages from Susan Wallace, a novelist who gathered the information while researching a book (never published).

  • Napoleonic Period Collection – A collection of satirical drawings from the Napoleonic Era, plus a timeline and background information. From the University of Washington.

  • Nazi Olympics: Berlin 1936 – An examination of the 1936 Olympics, providing photographs, documents, and more. From the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

  • New Gallery Art Funds - Displays Soviet art of Socialist Realism from the 1920s through the 1950s, as well as Russian and Soviet posters.

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization – News from the group providing mutual security for European and North American countries.

  • Parliament and the British Slave Trade, 1600-1807 – The Archives of the British Parliament present this site on the slave trade and its legal abolishment in 1807.

  • Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - Text (English) and Real Audio broadcasts (native languages) of news being sent to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Russia by Radio Free Europe. Maintained by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

  • Repositories of Primary Sources: Europe - Extensive list of sites where primary sources from and about Europe can be found. From the University of Idaho.

  • Republic of Georgia – CNN provides links to news stories on the Republic of Georgia, locale of the crisis in summer 2008.

  • Russian and East European Network Information Center - Links to information about Russia and Eastern Europe. From the University of Texas.

  • Russian History Websites – Features websites on such topics as Saint Petersburg in 1900 and Russian Orthodox ikons. Maintained by Bob Atchison, an amateur historian with an interest in czarist Russia.

  • Russia Profile – Current news and analysis about Russian politics, economics, and culture.

  • Show Me – This site is the children’s version of the 24-Hour Museum, a collaborative of 3,000 British museums, galleries, and heritage sites. It provides games, activities, and information on topics ranging from Anglo-Saxons to Greek and Roman myths and British cooking.

  • Slavic Research Center - Links on general and specific (e.g., Russian writers, Russian environment) topics. Includes papers, maps, and journal articles. Maintained by Hokkaido University.

  • Transitions Online - News from the formerly Communist countries of Eastern Europe and western and central Asia.

  • Villa Cicogna Mozzoni – This website presents one of Italy’s Renaissance cultural treasures.

  • Western Europe and the European Union: Information Resources, Print and Internet - Extensive links to information on Western Europe and the EU from Columbia University's library.

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