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News Room Headline
Cherry Creek Construction Delayed

Cherry Creek environmental restoration construction delayed FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Contact: Leslie Kaye, 206-764-3751 Feb. 19, 2003 SEATTLE - The decision to postpone construction of the Cherry Creek ecosystem restoration project in St. Maries, Idaho until next fall was finalized by the Seattle District, Army Corps of Engineers and co-sponsor Benewah County. Project Manager, Alan Coburn says "it is not prudent to initiate installation of the Cherry Creek Culvert during the last two weeks of February as originally planned. The project construction is now rescheduled for initiation in late September or October." The reasons for the delay are: 1. Unseasonably warm weather causing Cherry Creek flows and St. Maries River stages to be higher than normal and therefore undesirable for the planned construction activities. 2. The weather forecast for the construction period calls for a series of precipitation events and fluctuating freezing levels that could further adversely effect construction conditions. This delay will necessitate updating of temporary easements and appropriate permit coordination which will be conducted by the Army Corps. The community can watch for construction notification in early September. Please call Alan Coburn, Project Manager (206) 764 – 6849 for more information or check the Seattle District, Army Corps of Engineers public web site at: for further information. # # #