American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Reason

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A Quaker Book
of Discipline

Collection of Christian & Brotherly  Advices...
A Collection of Christian & Brotherly
Advices Given forth from time to time
By the Yearly-Meetings of Friends For
Pennsylvania & New-Jersey, Held
alternately at Burlington & Philadelphia
Alphabetically digested under
Proper Heads

Manuscript volume, ca. 1763
Manuscript Division

This collection of "advices" for the behavior of American Quakers was a compilation of guidelines covering every aspect of Quaker life--from individual "conduct and conversation" to proper management of meetings. The guidelines were periodically issued from 1682 through 1763 by the highest institutional authority of American Quakerism, the "Yearly Meeting." The compilation may have been made by the Meeting itself for local distribution. Its purpose was to establish "Decency and comely Order in all our Meetings of Worship & Business, as well as orderly Walking, Honesty, & Plainness in the particular Members of our Society."

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