Speaker Sponsor Responsibilities 

If you would like to have a Marine speak at your event, requests should be submitted here. All requests must be submitted no less than 30 days in advance of the event for which the speaker is being requested. Department of Defense policies require that Armed Forces participation in public events will be provided at no additional cost to the Government.

The sponsor is required to pay, when necessary, the standard Military Services allowance for quarters and meals for all Armed Forces participants and for other services which have been determined in advance by the Military Services and agreed to by the sponsor.

Transportation and meal costs are not usually incurred when support is provided from a local military installation. However, circumstances may dictate that reimbursement for any or all of these costs may be necessary.

All costs are binding after a unit, personnel, or exhibit has arrived at an event site, even though weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances force the event to be cancelled.

Please realize that all Armed Forces personnel have specific military missions and training requirements. Participation in public programs will only be authorized when such support is in the best interests of the Department of Defense and the Military Services and does not interfere with mission or training programs. In all cases, operational commitments must take priority and can cause previously scheduled appearances to be cancelled.

The submission of a request for a Marine asset [button below] indicates you agree to the terms and conditions stated above.

Request Marine Speaker
Major General Williams Addresses the ESGR 
Cypress, CA. MGen James Williams, USMC, Commanding General, Marine Forces Reserves, addresses the Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) at the Annual Symposium, 22 Jul 08.
Speaker Sponsor Responsibilities