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Grizzly along the Denali Highway Rafting the Gulkana National Wild River Native woman drying salmon on racks ATV rider on trails near Glennallen Surveyor
BLM>Alaska>Programs>Lands and Realty>d-1 Withdrawals
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d-1 Withdrawals

Section 17(d)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) authorized the Secretary of the Interior to withdraw and reserve lands for study and classification. These withdrawals closed the lands to disposal and appropriation under public land laws, including mining and mineral leasing laws.

The Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act of 2004 required the Secretary of the Interior to complete a report to Congress by June 2006 which would identify "d-1" lands that might be opened to appropriation under public land laws. This report, prepared with public notice and comment, contains recommendations and is advisory only. The BLM’s land use planning process currently serves as the means to assess resource values and make recommendations for opening "d-1" lands to public land laws.

 A copy of the report can be viewed at these BLM offices:

  • Alaska State Office
    Public Information Center
    222 W. 7th Ave
    Anchorage, Alaska
    tele. 907-271-5960
  • Fairbanks District Office
    Public Information Center
    1150 University Ave
    Fairbanks, Alaska
    tele. 907-474-2251
  • Glennallen Field Office
    Mile 186.5 Glenn Highway
    Glennallen, Alaska
    tele. 907-822-3217

Section 207 Alaska Land Transfer
Acceleration Act
A Review of d-1 Withdrawals
Congressional Report

Introduction (787 KB)
   -Congressional Transmittal 
   -Table of Contents
   -Introduction and Credits
Ch 1: Executive Summary (988 KB)
   -Report Organization
   -Summary of 12 Areas
   -Map of d-1 withdrawals to be

Ch 2: Analysis & Recommendations (639 KB)
   -Summary of Analysis
   -Statewide Summary Table
   -Statewide Maps (2)
   -12 Area Matrices with maps
    and public comments

Ch 3: Public Involvement (19.21 MB)
   -Summary of Comments
   -Press Release
   -Stakeholders Letter
   -Fact Sheet
   -Mailing List
   -Public Comments

Ch 4: BLM Land & Resource Review (682 KB)
   -Summary of Review
   -Factors Used in Analysis
   -Map of Planning Areas
   -Planning Schedule
   -Map of State Ownership 
    Priority List (OPL)
   -Map of Locatable Mineral 
   -Map of Leaseable Mineral 
   -Acronym List