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Grizzly along the Denali Highway Rafting the Gulkana National Wild River Native woman drying salmon on racks ATV rider on trails near Glennallen Surveyor
BLM>Alaska>Programs>Energy>Rights of Way
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Oil & Gas Rights-of-Way
 A right-of-way (ROW) is an authorization to use specific public land for specific facilities for a specific time. As authorized by the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 Amended(MLA) , BLM will issue ROW grants for oil and natural gas gathering, and distribution pipelines and related facilities (not authorized by appropriate leases) and oil and natural gas transmission pipeline and related facilities.
In Alaska, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) is an example of a right-of-way grant under this authority. The 800-mile pipeline traverses the northern coast of Alaska at Prudhoe Bay south to the Prince William Sound in Valdez. To tackle the logistics and legalities of this huge project, BLM and the State of Alaska work in cooperation with other federal and state agencies to comprise the Joint Pipeline Office located at 411 West 4th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 257-1300.

Joint Pipeline Office logoTo learn more about the TAPS and rights-of-ways concerning the pipeline please visit the Joint Pipeline Office (JPO) website. JPO works proactively with Alaska's oil and gas industry to safely operate, protect the environment, and continue transporting oil and gas in compliance with legal requirements.  You will find the latest information concerning BLM and TAPS as well as reports and right-of-way information.

Q: Who own's the land the Trans-Alaska Pipeline traverses?? 

A: Lots of different agencies, companies and entities!  

Ownership, entire system, by area:

  • Federal government: 
    6.27 sq. mi. approx.
  • State government: 7.79 sq. mi. approx.
  • Private: 1.33 sq. mi.
  • Owner companies: 2.9 sq. mi.
  • Total area= 19.29 sq. mi.

pipeline only, length

  • Federal government: 
    376 mi. approx.
  • State government:
    344 mi. approx.
  • Private: 80 mi. approx. (including 51 mi., Alaska Native Corp. land)
  • Total= 800 mi.

Pipeline in municipal jurisdiction, approx.

  • Arctic North Slope Borough: 179.2 mi.
  • Fairbanks North Star Borough: 89.1 mi.
  • City of Delta Junction: 5.5 mi.
  • City of Valdez:  20.8 mi.

Helpful links concerning BLM Alaska's Oil & Gas ROWs and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS)

Click the map below to see the land status of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline.

Tumbnail map of the Trans-Alaska pipline land status.

Click on the topographic map below to see pipeline route and pump station photos.

Trans-Alaska Pipeline map with pump stations and photos

Trans-Alaska Pipeline during the winter.