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Historical information about the Huntington District.

The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has been the nation’s engineering problem solver since June 16, 1775. Beginning by building breastworks at Bunker Hill, and then mapping lands west of the Appalachians and developing our waterways for navigation, the Army Corps of Engineers has been the agency American leaders have called on to develop the nation's infrastructure.

The Huntington District shares in this proud tradition of service as one of 41 Districts that make up the Corps. The Huntington District is responsible for a geographic area in the Appalachian hills and mountains of southern and central West Virginia, eastern Kentucky, western Virginia, and northwestern North Carolina and the rolling plains of southeastern and central Ohio. Within this 45,000-square-mile area, we've designed and constructed more flood-control dams, levees, and floodwalls than any other Corps District. We've developed the navigation infrastructure on the middle Ohio River and on the Kanawha River in West Virginia. Our work has saved billions of dollars in flood damage, allowed cities and towns to develop free from flooding, and aided regional development through the transport of bulk commodities.

General History of the Corps
No items available
Historical Projects of Interest:
Bluestone Dam
Great Kanawha
1937 Flood Photos
59 Photos
Last Updated Jan. 23, 2007

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LRH History
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District
502 Eighth Street
Huntington, WV 25701
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