Water Safety Programs

We hope that your visit is safe and enjoyable.

Please take a few moments to read the following precautions that should be taken when at the lake.

  1. Learn to swim.
  2. Never swim alone.
  3. Swim only in designated areas.
  4. Watch children at all times. NEVER leave a child unattended while near the water.
  5. Wear a lifejacket. Children under the age of 13 are required by law to wear PFDs while on the water in the State of Texas.
  6. Alcohol and water do not mix. NEVER consume alcohol while boating or swimming.
  7. Never rely on toys such as inner tubes and rafts to stay afloat.
  8. Do not over estimate your ability to swim.
  9. Never dive into lakes or rivers.
  10. Boaters should observe all warning signs and buoys. Please use caution when boating in unfamiliar waters.

Enjoy your visit and plan to return home safely!


r Safety Dog

Visit some of the following links to learn more about Water Safety.


Safe Boating Council
U.S. Coast Guard
Texas Parks and Wildlife
Red Cross
US Army Corps of Engineers

This site last updated on March 21, 2007