About ED - Educational Associations and Organizations

This web page contains hypertext links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links and pointers are provided for the user's convenience. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Further, the inclusion of links or pointers to particular items in hypertext is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered, on these outside sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.

Education Resource Organizations Directory
The Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) contains information on more than 3,000 national, regional, and state education organizations including many associations that provide information and assistance on a broad range of education-related topics.

Achieve is a resource for governors, business leaders, others seeking to improve student achievement and raise the level of educational standards. Its web site includes annual reports, information on benchmarking and other initiatives, and a national clearinghouse database for researching academic standards.

American Association of School Administrators (AASA)
AASA is the professional organization for over 16,500 educational leaders across North America. Its primary responsibilities include improving the condition of children and youth, preparing schools and school systems for the 21st century, connecting schools and communities, and enhancing the quality and effectiveness of school leaders.

American Educational Research Association (AERA)
AERA is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results.

American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
AFT is an 900,000-member union of public and professional employees, including public and private school teachers, paraprofessionals and school-related personnel (PSRPs), higher education faculty and professionals, employees of state and local governments, nurses and health professionals.

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is a nonprofit organization of individuals, institutions, and companies dedicated to improving all aspects of engineering education.

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
ASCD is an international, nonprofit, nonpartisan education association committed to the mission of forging covenants in teaching and learning for the success of all learners. Founded in 1943, ASCD provides professional development in curriculum and supervision; encourages research, evaluation, and theory development; and disseminates information on education issues ranging from inclusion to parent involvement, learning styles to school leadership.

The College Board
The College Board is an association of schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations in the U.S. and abroad. The organization facilitates access to higher education and promotes high academic standards through programs and services in college admissions, guidance, financial aid, assessment, and teaching and learning. It also conducts professional development programs, forums and conferences, policy analysis, and public outreach. As an authority on access to higher education, the College Board is a leading source of information on trends and innovations affecting students, parents, schools, and colleges.

Consortium for School Networking (CoSN)
CoSN is the national voice for advocating access to the emerging National Information Infrastructure in schools.

Council of Chief State School Officers
The Council of Chief State School Officers is a nationwide, nonprofit organization composed of public officials who lead the departments responsible for elementary and secondary education in the states, the U.S. extra-state jurisdictions, the District of Columbia, and the Department of Defense Dependents Schools. In representing chief education administrators, CCSSO works on behalf of the state agencies that have primary authority for education in each state.

Council of the Great City Schools
The Council of the Great City Schools brings together some of the largest urban public school systems in the country in a coalition dedicated to the improvement of education in the inner cities. By keeping Congress, the media and the public informed about the problems facing urban schools and the critical need to ensure that today's students receive an education based on high standards and expectations, the Council helps to set the course for the survival of our cities, the productivity of our citizens, and the future of our nation.

Education Commission of the States
The Education Commission of the States (ECS) is a national nonprofit organization that helps state leaders improve education for all young people. The ECS online service offers information about what's going on throughout the country on a host of current hot issues in education, such as school-to-work policies and programs, various efforts to improve student achievement, school governance, charter schools, school finance and a number of topics related to the cost and quality of higher education.

Education Policy Analysis Archives
This is a peer-reviewed journal of education policy topics published by the College of Education at Arizona State University. Includes abstracts and full text of articles published in EPAA and how to participate.

Education Week on the Web
This is the place on the World Wide Web for people interested in education reform, schools, and the policies that guide them.

EDUCAUSE World Wide Web Server
Now a merged organization of two separate but related groups - EDUCOM and CAUSE - EDUCAUSE is a non-profit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology. With a current membership of more than 1,800 colleges, universities, and education organizations, and including over 180 corporations the association has a combined history of over 30 years leading the nation's educational community in integrating information technology into classrooms, curricula and research.

International Reading Association (IRA)
The International Reading Association seeks to promote high levels of literacy for all by improving the quality of reading instruction through studying the reading processes and teaching techniques; serving as a clearinghouse for the dissemination of reading research through conferences, journals, and other publications; and actively encouraging the lifetime reading habit.

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
The International Society for Technology in Education is a nonprofit professional organization dedicated to the improvement of education through computer-based technology.

Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries
The Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries provides grants to school libraries across the country to purchase books. It is a component of the Community Foundation for the National Capital Region in Washington, D.C.

National Academy Foundation (NAF)
The National Academy Foundation (NAF) is a national network of high school career academies predominately based in urban districts--schools within schools using career-themed curricula created with current industry and educational expertise. Each year, NAF serves more than 50,000 students in over 500 Academies in 40 states and D.C. through the Academy of Finance, the Academy of Engineering, the Academy of Hospitality & Tourism, and the Academy of Information Technology.

National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE)
The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) is a nonprofit, private association with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status that represents state and territorial boards of education. Our principal objectives include strengthening state leadership in educational policymaking; promoting excellence in the education of all students; advocating equality of access to educational opportunity; and assuring continued citizen support for public education.

National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)
The association offers professional development training programs, regional and national conferences, and a broad range of regular periodicals, including the award-winning PRINCIPAL magazine, with reports on the latest research along with practical advice from administrators. NAESP also offers comprehensive legal assistance, salary and contract review, and services for students, including the American Student Council Association.

National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP)
The NASSP serves all leaders in middle school and high school education. This web site contains education news and information for parents, principals and aspiring principals, and also serves as the web site for NASSP supported student activities including the National Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society, American Technology Honor Society, National Association of Student Councils, National Association of Student Activities Advisors, the National Alliance of High Schools and National Alliance of Middle Level Schools.

National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges
The NASULGC is a voluntary, non-profit association of public universities, land-grant institutions and many state university systems, the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC) has member campuses in all 50 states and the U.S. territories.

National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE)
The NCEE is organized to provide tools, professional development programs, technical assistance services, and other resources to support standards-based reform. The NCEE web site includes information about New Standards: Performance Standards and Assessments for the Schools.

National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA)
NCPSA was established in 1993 to support the development of a national entity that would serve as an accrediting association of private school accrediting agencies.

National Council for the Social Studies
NCSS is devoted solely to social studies education and engages and supports educators in strengthening and advocating social studies. With members in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 69 foreign countries, NCSS serves as an umbrella organization for elementary, secondary, and college teachers of history, geography, economics, political science, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and law-related education.

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
The National Council of Teachers of English, the world's largest subject-matter educational association, is devoted to improving the teaching of English and the language arts at all levels of education. Since 1911, NCTE has provided a forum for the profession, an array of opportunities for teachers to continue their professional growth throughout their careers, and a framework for cooperation to deal with issues that affect the teaching of English.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
NCTM is a nonprofit, nonpartisan education association with more than 110,000 members and 260 affiliated groups located throughout the United States and Canada. Founded in 1920, NCTM is dedicated to improving mathematics teaching and learning, kindergarten through high school. NCTM's Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (1989), Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics (1991), and Assessment Standards for School Mathematics (1995) make recommendations about what mathematics students should learn, what teachers themselves should accomplish as professionals in the classroom, and what criteria should be used to evaluate student performance and the effectiveness of mathematics programs. The NCTM Standards encourage rich mathematical opportunities for all children in all mathematics classrooms.

National Education Association (NEA)
NEA's Web site offers parents and teachers, citizens and students -- everyone interested in creating great schools -- a handy starting point for Web exploration. We're your neighbors, the folks who teach your kids and staff your schools. We're the over 2.3 million members of the National Education Association, and we hope this site can help public education work for every child and every family.

National Parent Teachers Association (PTA)
Celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 1996, this web site for the NPTA helps them promote their mission of: to support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children; to assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children; to encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation.

National Rural Education Association (NREA)
Formerly known as the REA, NREA traces its origins back to 1907 when it was originally founded as the Department of Rural Education. Through the years it has evolved as a strong and respected organization of rural school administrators, teachers, board members, regional service agency personnel, researchers, business and industry representatives and others. NREA is a membership organization that operates as a tax-exempt, non-profit, entity. It is directed by an elected executive committee consisting of national representatives of rural school administrators, rural school teachers, state education agencies, educational service agencies, higher education, rural dchool district boards, at-large constituencies and affiliated state associations.

National School Boards Association (NSBA)
NSBA is the nationwide advocacy and outreach organization for public school governance. NSBA's mission is to foster equity and excellence in public elementary and secondary education in the United States through school board leadership. They achieve this mission through a united effort with state school boards associations who are our Federation Members.

National Science Teachers Association
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) is committed to the improvement of science education at all levels -- preschool through college. To address subjects of critical interest to science educators, the Association publishes five journals, a newspaper, and a number of special publications. NSTA provides many programs and services for science educators, including awards and scholarships, teacher training workshops, educational tours, and an employment registry. NSTA offers professional certification for science teachers in eight teaching level and discipline area categories.

National Staff Development Council (NSDC)
NSDC is the largest not-for-profit education association focused solely on the issues of school improvement and professional development. The Council has more than 12,000 members, primarily from the U.S., from all areas of education: teacher leaders, principals, staff developers, central office administrators, superintendents, regional and state-level technical assistance providers, and professors. NSDC's purpose: Engage every educator in effective professional learning every day so every student achieves.

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Last Modified: 10/08/2008