FIS National Meeting 2003

The 2003 FIS National Meeting was held from November 18 – 21, 2003 in Silver Spring, MD. This was the first national meeting held.

Conference Overview Speakers Proceedings

Meeting Objectives

  • Understand the FIS goals and objectives
  • Define both regional and national needs
  • Identify and promote the use of “best practices” and shared tools
  • Discuss the FIS implementation strategy based on a team approach
  • Kick off the FIS Professional Specialty Groups
  • Understand the PSG’s goals and objectives
  • Define PSG’s roles and shared responsibilities
  • Develop PSG groups for specific FIS components
  • Build PSG teams to implement FIS components
  • Discuss project plans for each PSG

Meeting Schedule


To see a comprensive conference schedule: National Meeting 2003 Schedule (DOC, 40Kb).