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Corrosion Prevention and Control

The Defense Authorization Act for FY2003 (10 U.S.C. 2228) requires the DoD to designate an official responsible for corrosion prevention and control and to develop and implement a long-term strategy to prevent and mitigate corrosion in weapon systems and infrastructure.

Accomplishments to date include:

  • Promulgated DoD corrosion policy, requiring corrosion to be explicitly considered in all acquisition programs subject to Defense Acquisition Board review.  The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement extends this policy to contracts over $5 million.
  • Formed a DoD/multi-Service/Coast Guard/NASA Corrosion Integrated Product Team.
  • Established a DoD Corrosion Defense website for information and collaboration:
  • Wrote the Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning Guidebook to assist program managers.
  • Developing a Department of Defense Instruction related to corrosion prevention and control.

In June 2007, the Department provided Congress a report outlining ongoing efforts to reduce corrosion and the effects of corrosion on DoD military equipment and infrastructure.  The report addressed results or status of the 82 corrosion prevention projects, status of the phased DoD cost of corrosion baseline study, progress on the draft DoD corrosion prevention instruction, status of the National Academies of Science corrosion education study, and the current corrosion prevention strategic plan. Visit the DoD Corrosion Defense website for access to this valuable information.