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Special Events-help you experience the great outdoors

Skiers gear up on Winter Trails DayWinter Trails Day

Mark your calendars! Winter Trails Day 2009 is February 14, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (last gear checkout 3:30 p.m.)

Winter Trails Day promotes responsible winter recreation on our public lands. The event also connects trail users with various recreation groups in Anchorage. Activities offered at this annual event typically include free use of cross-country skis, skate skis, and snowshoes (provided courtesy of REI); a GPS navigation and geocache activity; a self-guided snowshoe hike; and clinics on winter camping, avalanche beacons, snow shelter construction, skijoring, winter mountain biking, and ski-waxing.

Numerous user groups provide information booths inside the Science Center on Winter Trails Day.  These typically include Alaska Mountain and Wilderness Huts Association, Alaska Trails, Anchorage Equestrians, Anchorage Scoop the Poop Committee, Anchorage Skijor Club, Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center, Friends of Bicentennial Park, Municipality of Anchorage Trail Watch, Nordic Ski Association of Anchorage, Singletrack Advocates, and others. Science Center staff offer complimentary hot chocolate, coffee, cookies, donuts, and marshmallows for roasting.

Winter recreation enthusiasts at Winter Trails Day on Campbell Tract

Winter Trails Day at the BLM Campbell Tract now attracts close to 1,000 visitors of all ages, thanks to the support of our many volunteers and partner organizations.  Come join us!