EAD Tag Library for Version 1.0

EAD Elements: <persname> Personal Name


The proper noun designation for an individual, including any or all of that individual's forenames, surnames, honorific titles, and added names.

All names in a finding aid do not have to be tagged. One option is to tag those names for which access other than basic, undifferentiated keyword retrieval is desired. Use of controlled vocabulary forms is recommended to facilitate access to names within and across finding aid systems. The <persname> element may be used in many text elements. To indicate a personal name with major representation in the materials being described, nest <persname> within the <archdesc> <controlaccess> element.

The ROLE attribute can be used to specify the relationship(s) of the name to the materials being described, for example, "compiler," "creator," "collector," or "subject." The NORMAL attribute can be used to provide a consistent form of a name that has been abbreviated in some parts of the finding aid. Use the SOURCE attribute to specify the vocabulary from which the name has been taken. The AUTHFILENUMBER attribute can be used to identify a link to an authority file record that has more information about the name or cross references for alternative forms of the name and related names.

See also related elements <controlaccess>, <corpname>, <famname>, and <name>.

The <persname> element is comparable to MARC fields 100, 600, and 700.

May contain:

#PCDATA, emph, extptr, lb, ptr

May occur within:

bibref, controlaccess, entry, event, extref, extrefloc, indexentry, item, label, namegrp, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, refloc, unittitle


AUDIENCE#IMPLIED, external, internal
SOURCE #IMPLIED, aat, aacr2, cdwa, dot, gmgpc, lcnaf, lcsh, lctgm, local, mesh, mim, ncarules, nmc, rad, rbgenr, tgn, ulan, othersource


  1. <archdesc level="collection">
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    <head>Scope and Content Note</head>
    <p>The papers of university professor and economist Mark Perlman span the dates
    1952-1994, with most of the papers being dated between 1967 and 1989.  The papers consist
    chiefly of professional correspondence to and from Perlman, indexes to these letters and a
    small number of subject files, but include none of his personal papers.  The collection
    documents Perlman's career as an economist and author at <corpname normal="Cornell
    University">Cornell,</corpname> <corpname normal="Johns Hopkins University">
    Johns Hopkins,</corpname> and the <corpname>University of Pittsburgh</corpname>
    and reflects his interest in work arbitration, trade unions, and the economics of public health.
    Among correspondents are many noted economists, including <persname normal="Abramovitz,
    Moses">Moses Abramovitz, </persname><persname normal="Shubik, Martin">Martin
    Shubik, </persname>and <persname normal="Bronfenbrenner, Martin">Martin Bronfenbrenner.
    </persname>  While many of the letters are personal in nature, others contain considerable
    information about Perlman's work, particularly in the years around the publication of his
    works <title render="italic">Judges in Industry: A Study of Labor Arbitration in
    Australia</title> <date type="publication">(1954)</date> and
    <title render="italic">Spatial, Regional, and Population Economics: Essays
    in Honor of Edgar M. Hoover</title> <date type="publication">(1972).</date>
    Additional correspondence relates to the publication of the <title render="italic">Journal
    of Economic Literature.</title></p>
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    [other possible elements and text... ]

  2. <archdesc level="fonds">
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    <persname encodinganalog="600$a" source="lcnaf">Reimann, Lewis Charles, 1909-1978.</persname>
    <persname encodinganalog="600$a" source="lcnaf">Evans, Thomas.</persname>
    <persname encodinganalog="600$a" source="lcnaf">Trippe, Matthew J., 1915-1967.</persname>
    <persname encodinganalog="600$a" source="lcnaf">Elliot, Raymond.</persname>
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    [other possible elements and text... ]

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments Introduction EAD Design
Overview of
EAD Structure
Tag Library
EAD Attributes EAD Elements
by Tag Name
Index of
EAD Element Names

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