EAD Tag Library for Version 1.0

EAD Elements: <drow> Display Row


A formatting element that designates one row of information in a complex tabular layout for a Component <c> element. The <drow> contains one or more <dentry> cells with subelements that contain descriptive text. The layout for a printed finding aid is often a multi-column display with varying column widths. Four table elements work together to preserve the hierarchically indented appearance of printed finding aid container lists and descriptions of series. Many online finding aids do not need to preserve these strict layouts and can rely on indented Component <c> elements to distinguish subordinate parts of Components <c> and associate them with the appropriate <container> or <unitid> elements.

The table layout is first specified in the Table Specification <tspec> element, which uses the subelements <colspec> and <spanspec> to spell out the column characteristics. A Table Head <thead> contains the column heads. The Display Row <drow> is part of a Component <c> and groups information that constitutes a row in the table. The Display Entry <dentry> identifies one cell in the tabular display, and is followed by elements that designate the cell's content, for example, <unittitle> or <unitid>.

The tabular display features that may be used within <dsc>, such as Display Row <drow>, are not included in the default version of the DTD. To "switch on" these elements, change the value of the parameter entity "%tabular" in the ead.dtd and eadgrp.dtd files from IGNORE to INCLUDE and the value of the parameter entity "%nontabular" from INCLUDE to IGNORE.

For additional information about using these specialized tabular elements, consult the EAD Retrospective Conversion Guidelines at the University of California, Berkeley: <http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/amher/upguide.html>.

May contain:


May occur within:

c, c01, c02, c03, c04, c05, c06, c07, c08, c09, c10, c11, c12


AUDIENCE#IMPLIED, external, internal
VALIGN#IMPLIED, top, middle, bottom


<c01 level="series">
<did><unittitle>Series 1: Correspondence,
<unitdate type="inclusive">1911-1958.</unitdate></unittitle>
<entry spanname="c1-3">Container</entry>
<entry spanname="c4-6">Folder</entry>
<entry spanname="c7-16">Contents</entry>
<entry spanname="c17-20">Dates</entry></row></thead>
<dentry spanname="c1-3">
<container type="box">Box 1</container></dentry>
<dentry spanname="c4-6">
<container type="folder">1</container></dentry>
<dentry spanname="c7-16"><unittitle>General correspondence</unittitle></dentry>
<dentry spanname="c17-20"><unitdate type="inclusive">1911-58</unitdate>
<dentry spanname="c1-3">
<container type="box">Box 1</container></dentry>
<dentry spanname="c4-6">
<container type="folder">2</container></dentry>
<dentry spanname="c7-16"><unittitle>Bell's Dog Farm</unittitle></dentry>
<dentry spanname="c17-20"><unitdate type="inclusive">1951-52</unitdate>
[other possible elements and text... ]

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments Introduction EAD Design
Overview of
EAD Structure
Tag Library
EAD Attributes EAD Elements
by Tag Name
Index of
EAD Element Names

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