EAD Tag Library for Version 1.0

EAD Elements: <c> Component (Unnumbered)


A wrapper element that designates a subordinate part of the materials being described. As explained more fully in the Overview of the EAD Structure, a Component <c> provides information about the content, context, and extent of a subordinate body of materials. It is always nested within a Description of Subordinate Components <dsc> and often within another <c> element. Each <c> element identifies an intellectually logical section of the described materials. The physical filing separations between components do not always coincide with the intellectual separations. For example, a <c> that designates dramatic works might end in the same box in which the next <c> begins with short stories. Also, not every <c> directly corresponds to a folder or other physical entity. Some <c> elements simply represent a stage within a hierarchical description.

Components may be subdivided into smaller and smaller components and may eventually reach the level of a single item. For example, the components of a collection may be series, components of series may be subseries, components of subseries may be files, and components of files may be items. A component may be either an unnumbered <c> or a numbered <c01>, <c02>, etc. The numbered components <c01> to <c12> assist a finding aid encoder in nesting up to twelve component levels accurately, although five or fewer levels often suffice.

Use the LEVEL attribute to identify the descriptive character of the component, for example, "series," "subseries," "subgrp," "file," or "item." Assigning a LEVEL attribute for the highest <c> is recommended; thereafter the attribute may be used when the repository deems it useful, but usually not beyond the "subseries" level.

The LANGMATERIAL attribute can be used to indicate the language of the archival materials being described if it is different from the principal language setting identified in the <archdesc> LANGMATERIAL attribute. This attribute is comparable to ISAD(G) data element 3.4.4 and MARC field 546.

May contain:

add, admininfo, arrangement, bioghist, c, controlaccess, dao, daogrp, did, drow, dsc, head, note, odd, organization, scopecontent, thead

May occur within:

c, dsc


AUDIENCE#IMPLIED, external, internal
LEGALSTATUS #IMPLIED, public, private, otherlegalstatus
LEVEL#IMPLIED, series, collection, file, fonds, item, otherlevel, recordgrp, subgrp, subseries


  1. <dsc type="in-depth">
    <c level="series">
    <did><unittitle>Series 1: Correspondence</unittitle>[...]</did>
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    <c level="subseries">
    <did><unittitle>Subseries 1.1: Outgoing Correspondence</unittitle>
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    <c level="file">
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    <c level="subseries">
    <did><unittitle>Subseries 1.2: Incoming Correspondence</unittitle>
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    <c level="file">
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    [other possible elements and text... ]

  2. <dsc type="combined">
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    <c level="series">
    <did><unittitle>Topical Files</unittitle>
    <c><did><unittitle>California Dining Club.</unittitle></did>
    <c><did><unittitle>Annual financial statements,
    <unitdate type="inclusive">1923-1929</unitdate></unittitle></did></c>
    <c><did><unittitle>Membership rosters,
    <unitdate type="inclusive">1918-1932</unitdate></unittitle></did></c>
    <unitdate type="inclusive">1925-1930</unitdate></unittitle></did></c>
    <unitdate type="inclusive">1919-1932</unitdate></unittitle></did></c>
    [other possible elements and text... ]
    [other possible elements and text... ]

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments Introduction EAD Design
Overview of
EAD Structure
Tag Library
EAD Attributes EAD Elements
by Tag Name
Index of
EAD Element Names

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All Rights Reserved.

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