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Apollo 8

Day 6: The Green Team

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2004 by W. David Woods and Frank O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2008-01-29

129:22:39 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

129:22:42 Lovell: Go ahead.

129:22:43 Collins: Good morning, James.

129:22:46 Lovell: Oh, it's Michael Collins, is it? Good morning to you.

129:22:50 Collins: Righto. And we're looking at your pitch CDU read-out down here and looks to us like you are about 25 degrees off the 180 for your PTC, and we were just wondering how come?

129:23:03 Lovell: We've been looking at that, too. It keeps wandering off in pitch for some reason more than yaw. I was just about ready to go back to it again. I had to go back one time, and I was just seeing how far she would drift. I thought it would drift out a ways and come back by itself, but it is not doing it.

129:23:18 Collins: Okay.

129:23:21 Lovell: We'll get back there.

[Long comm break.]
129:32:11 Borman: Houston, Apollo 8. We're in the process of doing the trunnion bias check; then we will go to P23.

129:32:20 Collins: Roger. Thank you, Frank. (Long pause.)

129:33:07 Borman: Houston, Apollo 8.

129:33:11 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Go.

129:33:13 Borman: We like to have the PTC attitude to comply with P23 requirement.

129:33:23 Collins: Roger, Frank. Stand by. (Long pause.)

129:34:09 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

129:34:12 Borman: Go ahead.

129:34:13 Collins: Any time you want to start on those P23s is just fine.

129:34:18 Borman: Okay. I was just checking. I just wanted to know how our thermal control was going before we left. (Long pause.)

129:35:15 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

129:35:18 Borman: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8.

129:35:20 Collins: Your temperatures are looking good, Frank. There is still a differential temperature between quads, but nothing that would cause us in the slightest to worry about doing P23.

129:35:31 Borman: Roger. Understand.

[Very long comm break.]
129:47:22 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

129:47:27 Lovell: Go ahead.

129:47:28 Collins: Roger, Jim. We've been looking at these stars that we gave you this time for P23. It looks like the second star, number 11, has a trunnion angle right out to the limit, about 49.7 degrees. And we're thinking it might be a good idea to switch you over to star 1, which has a much smaller trunnion angle. What do you think? Star 1 is Alpheratz.

129:47:54 Lovell: Fine with me; I would just as soon take star 1.

129:47:58 Collins: Okay. That will be then; in place of star 11, star 1; and in place of lunar far horizon, lunar near horizon; and it remains two sets. Over.

129:48:12 Lovell: Roger. Star 1, lunar near horizon, two sets.

129:48:15 Collins: Thank you.

[Very long comm break.]
130:13:24 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over. (No answer.)

130:13:55 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

130:13:59 Borman: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8.

130:14:01 Collins: Roger. Fine. Old golden fingers there is getting so swift we missed some marks on the downlink. I wonder - if you hand recorded them, could you read us your three marks - trunnion angles, your three trunnion angles on star 2 and the last four trunnion angles on star 1. Over. (Pause.)

130:14:30 Borman: Do you read me still, Mike?

130:14:32 Collins: Stand by. We're not reading you good enough, so we'll wait until you get a better omni.

130:14:38 Borman: That ought to be a good one.

130:14:40 Collins: That is a good one. That's loud and clear.

130:14:43 Borman: Okay. Star 2 trunnion angle, first one 05245, second one 05243, next one 05241; last 4 trunnion angles 04133, 04133, 04132, 04132.

130:15:07 Collins: Thank you kindly. (Long pause.)

130:15:27 Borman: Can you give me some idea on the updates from the midcourse that we might need, and all that good stuff, Mike?

130:15:30 Collins: Yes, sure can, Frank. Stand by.

[Comm break.]
130:17:55 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

130:17:58 Borman: Go ahead, Mike.

130:18:00 Collins: Okay. We're predicting at the nominal time of your next midcourse, which is Entry Interface minus 2 hours - we're predicting 1.4 foot per second burn which changes your gamma at Entry Interface by a tenth of a degree. Right now, with no further maneuvers, your gamma is minus 6.39 degrees. And we're going to steepen it up very slightly to hit the center of the target line, and it will be, after the maneuver, minus 6.51. Over.

130:18:35 Borman: Very good.

130:18:38 Collins: Anything else you want like that?

130:18:42 Borman: No. I just wondered - we hadn't heard whether we were going to do it or not and so on.

130:18:48 Collins: Roger.

130:18:52 Borman: When we get the PAD data, we'll get it all out here.

130:18:58 Collins: Yes. We'll be sending the PAD data up to you in about another 2 hours, Frank; about 132 hours GET.

130:19:06 Borman: Okay. We - this will be the last set of star sightings we do now nominally, and even if we lose comm, we'll just come on in with what we got.

130:19:19 Collins: Okay, Frank.

130:19:22 Borman: Incidentally, that comm has been fantastic. I don't know how you've heard us, but boy, it's just like you are next door even in lunar distances.

130:19:31 Collins: Yes. It has really been great with rare exceptions when you are on a bad omni right before you switch. Then we get an awful lot of background noise, but in general, it has been excellent, and boy, we are really thankful for it because reading all these updates would be bad news with bad comm, as you know.

130:19:48 Borman: Right.

130:19:50 Lovell: Say, Mike, have you noticed the confidence the Captain has in his navigator?

130:19:56 Collins: He hasn't called you Goldfinger yet.

130:20:00 Lovell: No. He is disregarding anything I can do. We're coming in anyway.

130:20:13 Collins: I suspect he is right on that point.

130:20:18 Lovell: Well, back to the drawing board.

130:20:21 Borman: As usual, we are all a little pooped. I've got Bill sleeping now, and then Jim and I will swap just as soon as we get through with these stars.

130:20:30 Collins: Well, you're sounding real good, and you are doing good work.

130:20:34 Borman: Thank you.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control at 130 hours, 24 minutes. ... The crew has been primarily involved in some guidance and navigation activities onboard the spacecraft. Frank Borman reported that Bill Anders is sleeping at the present time. And at the present time our spacecraft is traveling at a speed of 6,417 feet per second. Our current altitude is 83,706 nautical miles and this is how the conversation has been going up to now."

130:56:40 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

130:56:43 Borman: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8.

130:56:45 Collins: Roger, Frank. If you get a chance to, we'd like for you to read us down your trunnion calibration number. We missed that one on the downlink, and we have an update for your Passive Thermal Control attitude.

130:56:56 Borman: Okay. The trunnion calibrations were all zeros.

130:57:00 Collins: Roger. Thank you, and on page 2-104, the PTC attitudes should read zero pitch and 45 degrees yaw. Over.

130:57:14 Borman: Zero pitch and 45 degrees at 2-104.

130:57:17 Collins: Roger. And we'd like some PRD readings for those of you who are up and around. (Long pause.)

130:57:57 Borman: Zero pitch, 45 yaw, it is?

130:58:01 Collins: Roger. Thank you.

130:58:07 Borman: I'm asking. I wasn't sure I copied it right.

130:58:10 Collins: Yes. That's affirmative, Frank. Zero pitch, 45 degrees yaw.

130:58:15 Borman: My PRD now reads 2.85.

130:58:21 Collins: 2.85.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control at 131 hours, 19 minutes: Our current spacecraft velocity at this time is 6,567 feet per second, and we're at an altitude of 85,284 nautical miles. Since our previous report, it's been very quiet here in the Mission Control Center. Most of the activity has involved checking - double checking figures, and beginning preparation to pass up the information to the crew that they will need for their final midcourse correction, at 2 hours prior to entry. We've had one or two very brief conversations with the spacecraft. We'll ... stand by for any live conversation that develops."

131:33:39 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Radio check. Over.

131:33:45 Lovell: This is 8. Loud and clear. How us?

131:33:47 Collins: Roger. You're loud and clear, Jim. We'd like to get your PRD reading while we've got you up and a Flight Plan change we're suggesting on page 2-107 when you're ready to copy.

131:34:03 Lovell: Roger. Stand by. (Pause.)

131:34:12 Lovell: I'm the only person up, and my PRD is reading 0.15.

131:34:18 Collins: Roger. I understand; 0.15.

131:34:22 Lovell: And I'll bet that Bill's is still reading 0.64.

131:34:27 Collins: That's okay; don't bother him with it. He's asleep. (Long pause.)

131:34:48 Lovell: Okay. Go ahead with your Flight Plan change. (No answer.)

131:35:11 Lovell: Houston, Apollo 8. Go ahead with your Flight Plan change.

131:35:14 Collins: Okay, Jim. On page 2-107, we're recommending that you delete that P52 and just stay in PTC attitude. Your platform is real good, and we don't feel that alignment's necessary. One is coming up again at 139 hours anyway. And also, on that same page, we'd like to delete the "begin cabin cold-soak." Over.

131:35:44 Lovell: Righto. Will delete the "begin cabin cold-soak," and we'll delete the P52.

131:35:49 Collins: Okay. Thank you.

[Very long comm break.]
132:04:57 Lovell: Houston, Apollo 8. Over.

132:04:59 Collins: Roger, Apollo 8. This is Houston. Over.

132:05:03 Lovell: Roger. Mike. Are you still planning to send up these updates at 132 hours?

132:05:08 Collins: Yes; affirmative, Jim. We're getting them together now.

132:05:13 Lovell: Roger. (Long pause.)

132:06:06 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Would you please go to P00 and Accept, Jim, and we'll send you a P27. (Pause.)

132:06:27 Lovell: We're ready for you.

132:06:29 Collins: Okay. Sending up a state vector to LM slot.

132:06:35 Lovell: Roger.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 132 hours, 9 minutes. Apollo 8 is at an altitude 1 - or rather, 82,111 nautical miles and our current velocity is 6,712 feet per second. It continues to be very quiet here in Mission Control and aboard the spacecraft. We've had one or two very brief conversations with the crew and we're anticipating a call up to the spacecraft, shortly, from Mike Collins, so we'll pick that up and then stay tuned."

132:10:03 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

132:10:07 Lovell: Go ahead, Houston.

132:10:08 Collins: Roger, Jim. You can go back to Block; we got the P27 in and verified. It was a state vector update to the LM slot, and I'm standing by for the midcourse correction number 7 and the entry PAD at your convenience. Over.

132:10:27 Lovell: Roger. Stand by. (Long pause.)

132:10:50 Lovell: Go ahead with midcourse number 7.

132:10:52 Collins: Okay. Midcourse correction number 7; RCS/G&N; 31600; not applicable, not applicable; 144:45:57.93; minus 0001.4, plus five zeros, plus 0000.1. Are you with me so far? Over.

132:11:42 Lovell: Roger. With you.

132:11:51 Collins: Good. 000, 304, 000; not applicable, 00019.1; 0001.4, 0:04, 0001.4; 45, 0...

132:12:38 Lovell: Hey, Mike, hold it. Hold it, Mike.

132:12:40 Collins: Okay. Holding.

132:12:45 Lovell: You said not applicable for HA and HP; I started to copy it down, and then I didn't get the right number sequence. Did you skip down to what, VT?

132:13:04 Collins: No. Let's go back to apogee is not applicable, and then I just started reading the numbers again. From there, I've got a perigee and then a Delta-VT and then a burn time and so forth. Over.

132:13:15 Lovell: Okay. I didn't hear a plus or minus on the HP, and I only got four numbers off of it. So could you start with HP again?

132:13:22 Collins: Okay. Going back to apogee, not applicable; perigee, plus 0019.1. And you weren't hearing things; it was my mistake. Over.

132:13:19 Lovell: Roger.

132:13:43 Collins: Okay. Picking up with Delta-VT; 0001.4, 0:04, 0001.4; 45, 045.9, 22.5; Shaula, up 23.6, 00.0; plus 08.13; minus 165.03; 1220.2, 36301, 146:46:41; north set of stars, Sirius and Rigel; roll, 308; pitch, 209; yaw, 357; remarks: perigee in P30 equals plus 22.2 nautical miles. Over.

132:16:04 Lovell: Roger. Midcourse number 7; RCS/G&N; 31600; not applicable, not applicable; 144:45:57.99. Are you with me?

132:16:17 Collins: I'm with you.

132:16:20 Lovell: Minus 0001.4, plus all zeros, plus 0000.1; 000, 304, 000; not applicable, plus 0019.1; 0001.4, 0:04, 0001.4; 45, 045.9, 22.5; Shaula, up 23.6, 00.0; plus 08.13, minus 165.03; 1220.2, 36301, 146:46:41; Sirius, Rigel, 308, 209, 357; HP in P30 is 22.2 nautical miles.

132:17:24 Collins: That's all correct, Jim, and I have the entry PAD at your convenience.

132:17:32 Lovell: Roger. Stand by one. (Long pause.)

132:17:50 Lovell: Ready to copy. Mike.

132:17:52 Collins: Okay. Entry PAD: area mid-Pacific; 357, 152, 359; 146:29:13; 268, plus 08.13, minus 165.03; 068, 36221, 651, 1220.2, 36301, 146:46:13, 0028, not applicable four times, in other words, DL MAX, DL MIN, VL MAX, and VL MIN - all not applicable. Starting with TO: 400 0207 0025 0333 0816 16 0590 312. And your vortex star is Zeta Persei, which is half way between Mirfak and Aldebaran, up 16.5, right 3.4, up. Remarks: use non-exit EMS pattern. Over.

132:21:09 Lovell: Right, Mike. Stand by.

132:21:13 Lovell: Entry as follows: mid-Pacific, 357, 152, 359; 146:29:13; 268, plus 08.13, minus 165.03; 068, 36221, 651, 1220.2, 36301, 146:46:13, 0028, N/A 4 times, with TO 400 0207 0025 0333 0816 16 0590 312, Zeta Persei, up 16.5, right 3.4, up. And remarks: use non-exit EMS pattern. And Zeta Persei is between Mirfak and Aldebaran, and Frank can never find it anyway.

132:22:25 Collins: Okay. That's all correct. (Long pause.)

132:23:13 Lovell: We certainly don't waste much time getting down to drogue deploy, do we?

132:23:19 Collins: Roger. That's - that's true.

[Very long comm break.]
132:34:41 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

132:34:43 Lovell: Go ahead, Houston.

132:34:45 Collins: Roger, Jim. In your computer, we'd like to do an erasable memory dump again, like we did the other day, and the reason we'd like to do it is, when you did that P37 about 8 hours ago, and you remember you put that EI time for TIG and got that POO do thing; we'd like to - We don't think there's anything in the world wrong with it. We think everything is just perfect inside the computer, but we'd like to do an erasable dump as we did the other day; go through it bit by bit. Give us something to do down here. Over.

132:35:23 Lovell: Okay. Any time.

132:35:26 Collins: And I have the procedures for you when you're ready to copy.

132:35:32 Lovell: Go ahead.

132:35:33 Collins: Okay. Verb 01 Noun 01 Enter, 333 Enter, and then read out register 1, and that register 1 should be 10000. And then if it's not, I can give you procedures for getting it to 10000. If it is 10000 as we expect, then Verb 74 Enter, and that will do the dump. Over.

132:36:10 Lovell: Roger. When do you want it? (Pause.)

132:36:22 Collins: And, Apollo 8, you can do the first part of that now at your convenience to verify that register 1 is reading 10000, but would you hold up on the dump itself until we get our ground stations configured, please. Over.

132:36:38 Lovell: Will do.

[Comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control at 132 hours, 38 minutes. At the present time, we're in touch with the spacecraft. We'll pick up that conversation for you and then stand by to follow it as it develops."

132:38:37 Collins: Jim, we're getting noisy down here. Could you switch omni antennas, please? (Pause.)

132:38:50 Collins: Thank you, sir. (Pause.)

132:38:57 Collins: That works pretty well, doesn't it?

132:39:01 Lovell: Not bad. I was amazed at the communication at the Moon, too. (Pause.)

132:39:13 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. We're configured for the dump. Verb 74 Enter at your convenience.

132:39:19 Lovell: Roger.

[Comm break.]
132:40:34 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. The dump is complete, and it's your computer. Thank you.

132:40:39 Lovell: Roger.

[Very long comm break.]
133:06:33 Anders: Houston, Apollo 8. Over.

133:06:38 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. (No answer.)

133:06:48 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

133:06:56 Anders: Good morning, Mike. We had a little change of the guard here.

133:07:00 Collins: You sound real bright eyed and bushy tailed. How's it going up there?

133:07:04 Anders: Real great. (Long pause.)

133:07:44 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. How about giving us a countdown to P.R.D. reading. Over?

133:07:52 Anders: Just mine?

133:07:55 Collins: Just on you, Bill. We got the other two while you were sacked out.

133:08:04 Anders: The one that I have now, and the one that Jim took off, which is obviously broken, it's still at 0.64.

133:08:10 Collins: Okay. Thank you.

[Long comm break.]
133:11:38 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

133:11:45 Collins: Roger, Bill. On your PTC attitude, we're requesting a pitch angle zero, and we're showing you about 27 degrees pitch and increasing. Over.

133:11:56 Anders: Roger. I've been trying to work it down to Enter again.

133:12:00 Collins: They're letting you drive, after all?

133:12:06 Anders: I have to every now and then just to square this thing away.

[Comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 133 hours, 12 minutes. At this point, Apollo 8 is traveling at a velocity of 6,914 feet per second, and our current altitude reading is 77,946 nautical miles. We've just heard from Bill Anders for the first time in about 3 hours. Bill has been getting some rest and we anticipate at this time both Borman and Lovell are resting while Bill is on watch. ..."

133:13:28 Anders: Mike, I'll just give you my status here before the rest of them go to sleep; had about 3 hours sleep, another meal, and everybody's doing fine.

133:13:41 Collins: Roger, Bill. Thank you.

[Very long comm break.]
133:49:11 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Radio check. Over.

133:49:16 Anders: Loud and clear.

133:49:19 Collins: Roger. Thanks, Bill.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 134 hours, 11 minutes and at the present time our spacecraft velocity is 7,123 feet per second. Our current altitude reading is 73,952 nautical miles. Since our last report we've had virtually no conversations with the spacecraft with the exception of a short communications check put in by Mike Collins a few minutes ago and a terse 'Roger' back from Bill Anders. There is nothing showing on the Flight Plan at this time. No scheduled activities. And both, Frank Borman and Jim Lovell are scheduled to be getting some rest at this time. We'd like to, at this point, repeat some of the figures that were passed out earlier today at our change of shift briefing on the sequence of events at re-entry. We, at the present time, show 12 hours, 33 minutes, 55 seconds until Entry Interface. That event will occur at a Ground Elapsed Time of 146 hours, 46 minutes, 13 seconds approximately; and we anticipate there could be some change in that number following our final midcourse correction which is to come about 2 hours prior to Entry Interface. Blackout would nominally begin, with the current trajectory, at 146 hours, 46 minutes, 38 seconds; and it would last about 3 minutes. They would come out of blackout at 146 hours, 49 minutes, 41 seconds. Our drogue chutes, the two 16½-foot diameter conical ribbon chutes, that give the spacecraft its initial stabilization and slow it down prior to main chute deploy - and that event would come at 146 hours, 54 minutes, 27 seconds. We would be on the drogue chutes for about 47 seconds and then the main chutes would deploy at 146 hours, 55 minutes, 14 seconds. Our nominal splash time would be 147 hours, 0 minutes and 11 seconds. At 134 hours, 14 minutes into the flight of Apollo 8; this is Mission Control, Houston."

134:36:50 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. [No answer.]

134:37:04 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over. [No answer.]

134:37:26 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over. [No answer.]

134:37:59 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

134:38:02 Anders: Roger, Mike. How do you read?

134:38:04 Collins: Reading you loud and clear now, Bill. I wasn't hearing here for a couple of calls. How're you reading me?

134:38:09 Anders: I had my hands full; I was putting something down. I read you fine.

134:38:13 Collins: Okay. Understand. If it'll be any help to you in your PTC driving, we've computed that as you look out plus-X in the COAS or just out the window, you should be pointed right at Acrux when you're in a perfect PTC attitude. We don't know whether that's a help to you or not, but we thought you might enjoy trying an alternate mode of keeping the attitude under control.

134:38:40 Anders: Okay. From my present position, we're going to have to move Acrux a little bit. [Pause.]

134:38:50 Collins: Well, whatever you think. We just thought you might appreciate knowing. [Pause.]

134:39:03 Anders: I'll give it a try, Mike. I can see Acrux...

134:39:07 Collins: See it all right?

134:39:09 Anders: Yeah, I think so. There's a star out there anyway.

[Comm break.]
134:40:58 Anders: Houston, Apollo 8. Do you read?

134:40:59 Collins: Go ahead, Bill.

134:41:02 Anders: Actually, Mike, it's so easy to do it with the eight-ball within a reasonable sloppy limit that it's hardly worth the trouble to scootch way up to the seat to look out the COAS, and it's enough light in the cockpit where the star really isn't too easy to see. So I'm kind of inclined to use the IFR technique here where you can see the rest of the instrument panel.

134:41:27 Collins: Okay. [Long pause.]

134:41:41 Anders: I thought you were an all-weather pilot.

134:41:44 Collins: Well, you just caused Flight down here to get a "Gotcha" on CapCom and FAO. [Pause.]

134:41:59 Anders: Give me a little warning next time.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control; 134 hours, 54 minutes into the mission. At the present time, we are some 11 hours, 52 minutes from the time of re-entry. Apollo 8 is traveling at a speed of 7,289 feet per second and the current altitude of the spacecraft is 70,989 nautical miles. Since our last report, we've had very little communication with the spacecraft. We'll ... stand by for any calls to the spacecraft or any calls down from the spacecraft."

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control. It appears that we will have no further conversations at this point. Now we'll take the circuit down at 134 hours, 58 minutes."

135:07:08 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Could you give us a better omni, please? [Long pause.]

135:07:26 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. We'll be changing the antennas in 3 minutes. You can expect a comm glitch. Over.

135:07:34 Anders: Okay, Mike.

[Very long comm break.]
135:21:10 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Could you switch us to omni Charlie, please. [Long pause.]

135:21:24 Collins: Thank you, sir.

135:21:28 Anders: De nada.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control at 135 hours, 39 minutes and it continues to be very quiet here in Mission Control and aboard the spacecraft. There are no scheduled Flight Plan activities at this time. Two of our three crewmen are continuing in a sleepful rest period. Bill Anders is awake and minding the duties aboard the spacecraft while Frank Borman and Jim Lovell catch up on their sleep, At the present time, Apollo 8 is traveling at a speed of 7,480 feet per second and current altitude is 67,744 nautical miles. The clock here in Mission Control has been counting toward re-entry, now shows 11 hours, 6 minutes prior to that event. ... We will stand by for any live conversation. ... At the present time here in the Mission Control Center, the large center display map of the world with the spacecraft ground track on it, we're beginning to see a gradual effect of the increase in Earth's gravitation influence on the spacecraft. That ground track now beginning to swing slowly northward and we'll see it, between now and re-entry, swing even more northward and it will actually reverse its direction as the spacecraft plunges back toward Earth. It doesn't appear that we are going to have any further conversation with the spacecraft at this point. We'll continue to monitor and come back up periodically with status reports and in the event that we have any significant communications from the crew. This is Apollo Control at 135 hours, 43 minutes."

136:01:21 Anders: Houston, Apollo 8. [No answer.]

136:01:30 Anders: Houston, Apollo 8. You still there?

136:01:33 Anders: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Go ahead. Over.

136:01:38 Anders: I was just seeing if you were still there, Mike. The Old Gray Eagle is taking over the show from here. [Pause.]

136:01:47 Collins: Which one of them? [Pause.]

136:01:53 Anders: Old Super Chief.

[Comm break.]
136:03:18 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

136:03:23 Anders: Go ahead, Houston.

136:03:25 Collins: Roger, Bill. We had an erasable memory dump a few hours back. I think it was while you were asleep, but anyway we've checked the computer's erasable memory bit by bit, and everything agrees 100 percent. Over.

136:03:40 Anders: Mighty fine. Glad to hear it, Mike. Thank you.

136:03:44 Collins: Rog. [Pause.] You gonna brief Frank on your tape recorder before you go to sleep?

136:03:54 Anders: He can't handle it. It's too complicated.

136:03:58 Collins: Rog.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control; 136 hours, 04 minutes into the flight of Apollo 8. At the present time, we're in conversation with the crew. Frank Borman just came on the line and indicated that he had gotten some sleep and was now joining Anders. Apparently, Jim Lovell is still sleeping at this time. ... This is Mission Control. At the present time, our spacecraft velocity is 7,598 feet per second, and we're traveling now at an altitude of 65,851 nautical miles. Noting that the velocity is beginning to increase more rapidly now and our altitude decrease. At the present time we show 10 hours, 39 minutes, 25 seconds until Entry Interface. We'll continue to stand by briefly for any more conversation from the crew."

136:13:25 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Give us a different omni, please. [Long pause.]

136:13:38 Collins: Thank you, sir.

[Very long comm break.]
136:34:23 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over. [No answer.]

136:34:38 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

136:34:42 Borman: Go ahead, Michael.

136:34:43 Collins: Rog. We're going to switch our ground antennas in about a minute and a half. You can expect a comm glitch, Frank.

136:34:51 Borman: Thank you. [Long pause.]

136:35:47 Borman: Were you transferring from Honeysuckle, Mike?

[Comm break.]
136:37:09 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston through Carnarvon. Were you calling a minute ago, Frank? [Pause.]

136:37:17 Borman: Y'all in Australia, do you hear us?

136:37:21 Collins: Yeah, we're reading you loud and clear now. [Long pause.]

136:38:03 Borman: Carnarvon, how do you read? Apollo 8.

136:38:06 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Reading you loud and clear through Carnarvon. [Long pause.]

136:38:54 Borman: Hello, Houston.

136:38:57 Collins: Go ahead, Frank.

136:38:59 Borman: We're just listening to all the guys around the net.

136:39:02 Collins: Can you hear them?

136:39:05 Borman: I could that time, all the way from Carnarvon to Texas. [Pause.]

136:39:18 Borman: How'd they ever get an old maintenance officer on the midnight shift? [Long pause.]

136:40:15 Collins: Frank, you're on GOSS Conference if you'd like to debrief. Over.

136:40:21 Borman: Okay.

[Very long comm break.]
136:50:47 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Omni Bravo, please. [Long pause.]

136:51:11 Collins: Thank you, sir.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control at 136 hours, 52 minutes. Since our last report, activity here in Mission Control and on the spacecraft has been minimal. We have had a few communications checks with the spacecraft and some routine housekeeping chores being done by the crew. Very little Flight Plan activity scheduled at this time. At the present time, Apollo 8 is at an altitude of 62,413 nautical miles and our velocity reads 7,825 feet per second. We have one bit of interesting information from our Flight Dynamics Officer, which illustrates the rapid velocity increase we will see as the spacecraft nears Earth in its final hour of flight. Beginning at 145 hours, 41 minutes; or about 1 hour prior to Entry Interface, we will have a velocity of 18,013 feet per second. During the next hour, as the spacecraft closes on Earth from an altitude of some 10,445 nautical miles, our velocity will just about double, reaching 36,220 feet per second. We saw much the same sort of thing happen as our spacecraft neared the Moon, where, in the final hour or so of flight, we saw the dramatic increase in velocity. And now returning to Earth, we are seeing the same sort of thing. A gradual buildup until just about the last hour of flight and then that dramatic increase in velocity from 18,513 feet per second to 36,220. ... We will ... stand by briefly for any live conversation."

137:11:48 Borman: Houston, Apollo 8. [Pause.]

137:11:56 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over. [No answer.]

137:12:09 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

137:12:13 Borman: Have you noticed how long I've stayed locked in this PTC mode? [Long pause.]

137:12:34 Collins: Just about an hour and a quarter looks to us like, Frank.

137:12:38 Borman: I haven't even touched the hand control here for about 20 minutes, and it just hasn't moved outside that zero; I've never see it like this before. [Pause.]

137:12:55 Borman: Be sure and have your troops give me a call if it gets close to gimbal lock, will you? I'm snoozing a little bit now and then up here.

137:13:01 Collins: Yeah, we sure will, Frank.

137:13:05 Borman: Thank you. [Pause.]

137:13:13 Borman: And if you'd switch the antennas, you'd really be good guys.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 137 hours, 32 minutes. We continue to have a minimum of conversation with the crew of Apollo 8. At this time, the spacecraft is traveling at a speed of 8,029 feet per second and our altitude reading has just now dropped below 60,000 nautical miles, now reading 59,517 nautical miles. ... We will ... stand by to pick up live anything that follows."

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 138 hours, 18 minutes. Since our last report some 40 minutes ago, we've had no conversations with the spacecraft. Our Flight Plan shows no activities at this time. We expect that both Jim Lovell and Bill Anders are getting some sleep. Frank Borman is on the watch at the present. And our spacecraft vital statistics - here comes the velocity and altitude are now - 8,309 feet per second for velocity and 55,817 nautical miles is our current altitude. At 138 hours, 19 minutes, this is Apollo Control."

138:18:46 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. [No answer.]

138:19:12 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over. [Long pause.]

138:19:27 Anders: Houston, Apollo 8.

138:19:30 Collins: Roger. Just a check on the radio, and if it's practical, Biomed switch, left, please.

138:19:38 Anders: Okay, Mike. We got a new change in the watch again.

138:19:44 Collins: Well, that was quick. Did you decide you didn't want to sleep after all?

138:19:52 Anders: Wasn't my decision.

138:19:55 Collins: Yeah, that's what I figured.

[Comm break.]
138:21:28 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. We'll be changing antennas in about 2½ minutes; you can expect a comm glitch.

138:21:36 Anders: Roger. What are you changing to? [Pause.]

138:21:43 Collins: We're switching from Carnarvon to Honeysuckle, Bill.

138:21:50 Anders: Roger.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 138 hours, 57 minutes; and at the present time, our spacecraft is at an altitude of 52,745 nautical miles, traveling at a speed of 8,563 feet per second. We heard from Bill Anders aboard the spacecraft a short while ago, and Bill informed us that there had been a change of watch, that he had relieved Frank Borman. We will ... stand by for any further communications from the spacecraft."

Public Affairs Officer - "Here in Mission Control Center, at the present time, we are involved in a change of shift. Our flight director Milton Windler and his team of flight controllers are coming on, getting updated on the status of the spacecraft, crew, and preparations for the re-entry. This is the team coming on that will be handling the re-entry, and that event now scheduled to occur some 7 hours and 47 minutes from now. Simultaneously with the change of shift down here in the Control Center, we also began to pick up activity in the Flight Plan related to the final midcourse correction and re-entry. Now we are scheduled to have a platform alignment in about 15 minutes aboard the spacecraft, and that will be followed by an eat period for the commander. The Flight Plan shows the Command Module Pilot to continue sleeping until about 141 hours and at the present time, it appears that Frank Borman and Jim Lovell are resting or sleeping. We will continue to stand by for a short while for any further communications from Bill Anders, and then we'll take the circuit down if we don't hear any."

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Mission Control, Houston. It appears that things are going to continue along quietly, at least for the moment. ... This is Apollo Control at 139 hours, 2 minutes."

139:08:18 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

139:08:24 Anders: Go ahead, Houston.

139:08:26 Collins: Roger, Apollo 8. Your Green Team will be signing off in a few minutes, and before we do, Charlesworth and the rest of us would like to say we've enjoyed it and look forward to seeing you back in Houston. Over.

139:08:40 Anders: We have sure enjoyed it, too, troops, and you guys have really done a good job. [We] really do appreciate it.

139:08:45 Collins: Well, nice words there. We'll be seeing you, Bill.

139:08:47 Anders: Okay, Mike. We'll see you, Buddy. [Pause.] Tell old Cliff adios for me, too.

139:08:57 Collins: Sure will.

[Very long comm break.]
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