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Office Beneficiary Information Services

Mary A. Laureno, Director

Mary Wallace, Deputy Director

Call Center Operations Group - Neal Denion, Director
Division of Call Center Operations - Anne Fussell, Director
Division of Call Center Systems - David Nelson, Director

Website Project Management Group - Zabeen Chong

Functional Statement

  • Develops, implements, and manages the national Medicare toll-free telephone service contractors, including Medicare intermediary and carrier call center operations.
  • Develops integrated national strategies, tools, and techniques for improving telephone and Medicare beneficiary customer services.
  • Designs and develops national oversight standards for call center and Medicare beneficiary customer service contractors. Evaluates, assesses, and monitors performance of contractors in order to ensure compliance with contract requirements and the Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act.
  • Analyzes call center and Medicare beneficiary customer service operational data so as to establish trends and best practices for use in the development of national polices, legislation, national reports, presentations, and briefings for all levels of management in CMS for internal and external use.
  • Develops, implements, and oversees the national implementation of Medicare contractor generated beneficiary communications and related services; e.g., the Medicare Summary Notice.
  • Develops policy, regulations, and legislative directives affecting Medicare contractor beneficiary customer services and develops program instructions to put legislative directives into operation.
  • Works with the industry to keep apprised of state-of-the-art customer service strategies and technological advances in call center/network infrastructures in order to ensure continuous improvements in communications and processes.
  • Serves as the national spokesperson on call center operations and ensures translation and understandable presentation of technical materials.
  • Manages and maintains the Agency's public Web sites to ensure the presentation of accurate, timely, relevant, and understandable, and easily accessible information.
  • Coordinates the formulation of Website policies, strategies, goals, and standards for medicare.gov and cms.hhs.gov.
  • Publishes instructional information for Agency's public Website developers including functional specifications to facilitate program design, implementation, evaluation, revision, and/or update.
  • Manages Website information display and dissemination strategies.


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