National Permits System

The National Permits System (NPS) Project is a high profile NMFS project aimed at harmonizing the different permit systems across

Logo for the National Permits System project

the agency. From this system all regional permit offices will standardize the collection of fees, automate the issuance of commercial fishing permits, and share readily available data from a single national source. In addition, constituents will benefit from a uniform agency permitting process, automated and streamlined online access, and improved customer service. The project effort has a multi-phased approach.



  • Self-sustained Program

    • Serves our constituents with an improved, harmonized, and self-sustained national fisheries permit program

    • Employs the most effective means to retain revenue within NOAA Fisheries

  •  Standardized Fee Structures and Cost Accounting

    • Identifies common mechanisms across regions for charging and recovering administrative costs for issuing permits

    • Provides analysis of the differences in fee collection policies across issuing authorities

  • Aligns policies and regulations

    • Analysis for creating a uniform fee collection process

    • Management of communication and outreach issues, and interagency coordination issues

  •  Supports systems enhancements

    • Links current and historical data residing on regional databases

    • Standardizes permit applications and renewal