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Online Digest Dec 2007/Jan 2008
  • News From the Children's Bureau

    • Special Themes Coming to Children's Bureau Express
      Beginning with the next issue, an enhanced "Children's Bureau Express" will include a special focus or "theme" section each month, so that we can take a more comprehensive look at some of the...

    • NRCOI Introduces a Systems of Care Curriculum
      The National Child Welfare Resource Center (NRCOI) recently introduced comprehensive training materials to help stakeholders build systems of care for children and families in the child welfare...

    • Enhancing Casework Supervision: The Southern Regional QIC for Child Protection
      "Fourth in a series of articles on the Children's Bureau's Quality Improvement Centers" Enhanced casework supervision has the potential to improve outcomes for children as well as effect...

    • State Handbooks for Adoption
      Adoption guides or handbooks are available in several States to assist prospective adoptive parents navigate the process of adoption. Handbooks for the States of Alaska, Illinois, Massachusetts,...

    • National Conference on Substance Abuse, Child Welfare, and the Courts
      Presentations from the National Conference on Substance Abuse, Child Welfare, and the Courts, "Putting the Pieces Together for Children and Families," are now available online. Conference...

    • History of the Children's Bureau
      Child welfare professionals interested in the long history of service and dedication of the Children's Bureau can now download an audio file of "Justice, Not Pity: Julia Lathrop, First Chief of...

    • Information Gateway Enhanced Search
      The Child Welfare Information Gateway website now features an improved search function, allowing users to easily locate resources among the website's extensive offerings. The new function operates...

    • New! On the Children's Bureau Site
      The Children's Bureau website carries information on child welfare programs, funding, monitoring, training and technical assistance, laws, statistics, research, Federal reporting, and much more....

Vol. 8, No. 11
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CBX covers news, issues, and trends of interest to professionals and policymakers in the interrelated fields of child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption.
