How FIS is Organized

FIS is composed of leadership, a Program Management Team (PMT), Professional Specialty Groups (PSGs), and a Program Management Office (PMO).


Program Management Team Professional Specialty Groups Program Management Office

Program Management Team (PMT)


The Program Management Team (PMT) provides tactical governance of the FIS program in order to assure effective management of projects. The PMT serves as the principal steering group for the NOAA NMFS to share effective fisheries-dependent data collection and data processing and to establish the best practices of information management, as well as policies and procedures that improve the dissemination and quality of information. The PMT oversees NOAA NMFS projects and operations which are funded through the FIS Program.


The PMT also:

  • Provides guidance and stewardship concerning fisheries issues
  • Oversees the operations and monitors implementation of FIS projects
  • Makes recommendations to support strategic decisions made by the Executive Committee concerning all decisions related to program planning, project selection, and project plans
  • Ensures quality performance and life cycle phase monitoring for all FIS funded projects

What we do


The FIS PMT provides:

  • Leadership: Establishes program priorities, manages resources, and evaluates program processes
  • Management and Oversight: Facilitates effective management of inter-project linkages to promote coordinated FIS Program development
  • Budget Oversight: Develops and approves spending plans, and monitors and controls FIS funded project
  • Portfolio Project Management: Defines projects and associated activities, executes project selection process, and identifies major project milestones
  • Communication: Develops and executes plans for communication, education, and outreach to promote awareness of FIS accomplishments

PMT Documents

PMT Calendar

  • Highlights of 2007 (forthcoming)
  • Highlights from the Quarterly Meeting held in La Jolla, CA in August 2007 (forthcoming)
  • Next Quarterly Meeting scheduled as videoconference in December 2007
  • Next face-to-face Quarterly Meeting scheduled for March 2008