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Statistical Standards Program

Restricted-Use Data Procedures Manual

Restricted-use Data Applicants:
As of July 1, 2007, IES/NCES will only accept restricted-use data License applications through its new Electronic Application System. Any License application that does not come through this new system will be returned to the applicant. More information about applying for a License is available in the instructions and in the Restricted-Use Data Procedures Manual.

This Manual will be provided to organizations interested in obtaining restricted-use data, and to licensed organizations who currently have access to restricted-use data.

The goal is to maximize the use of statistical information, while protecting individually identifiable information from disclosure. The Restricted-Use Data Procedures Manual was created to provide a guide to the restricted-use data application process, as well as to explain the laws and regulations governing these data.

We hope that this Manual answers any questions or concerns you may have regarding obtaining access to restricted-use data.


  • This manual serves as a procedures guide, but it does not replace the provisions of the actual license document and the Security Procedures.
  • The licensee is responsible for all terms and provisions presented within those two documents.
  • Under no circumstances may the database be removed or telecommunicated from the Licensee's site.
  • Licensees are subject to unannounced, unscheduled inspections to assess compliance with requirements.
  • Violations of the Education Sciences Reform Act confidentiality provisions incorporated in the Licence Document are subject to a class E felony and can be imprisoned up to five years, and/or fined up to $250,000.