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Daily Occurrence Reports

Daily Occurrence Reports Password Request

The Department of Energy is committed to ensuring that the safety and health of its workers is the number one priority. To fulfill that commitment, DOE is posting daily a summary and listing of occurrence reports submitted to DOE. This posting of occurrence reports will contain reports that were transmitted since the morning of the previous workday. The summary will provide a brief description of each occurrence along with the facility's organizational information and the title of the report. For those that desire additional information, the listing will contain the full occurrence reports.

Because of security restrictions, access to the occurrence reports will be user-id and password restricted to approved DOE and DOE contractor personnel. Any DOE or DOE contractor employee who already has access to the Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS) will automatically be able to access the Daily ORPS Reports using their current ORPS user-id and password, both via this web page and via a link from the ORPS homepage. Persons not currently registered for ORPS can register for access to the Daily Occurrence Reports online by clicking the Registration Request button at the top of the screen. Each request must be approved before granting access.

If you have any questions about the Daily Occurrence Reports, please contact Eugenia Boyle.

This page was last updated on January 17, 2008

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