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What we do (Huntington District Corps of Engineers)

Our District

Today, in addition to our more traditional roles in flood control and navigation, the Huntington District is involved in a broad spectrum of engineering and engineer support activities. These activities include work for the Bureau of Prisons in eastern Kentucky in the form of support for real-estate acquisition, construction, and contract management; relocating the business district of Grundy, Virginia, and Town of Martin, Kentucky out of the floodplain; designing and constructing sewage treatment plants in southern West Virginia; planning, designing and constructing river-front parks in West Virginia; planning, engineering, and designing erosion-control treatments for Ohio River islands and for stream banks adjacent to public lands and facilities throughout the region. The District is working with the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory, located in Morgantown, West Virginia in connection with the environmental clean-up of nuclear-waste sites, and to demonstrate innovative environmental-restoration technologies. The District's also working with the Environmental Protection Agency, by providing oversight for environmental restoration efforts at contaminated sites throughout West Virginia and Ohio.

Our Mission

The Huntington District provides high-quality and efficient support to the nation's security and well-being—militarily, economically, and environmentally by

  • developing and managing projects and programs that provide for inland navigation, flood-damage reduction, environmental protection and restoration, recreation, water supply, and other public benefits
  • helping to protect and maintain the region’s waterways and wetlands
  • supporting emergency preparedness, disaster relief, and recovery work
  • providing a wide variety of engineering and technical support for other customers.

Our Vision

Our vision is the USACE Vision. The world’s premier engineering organization. Trained and ready to provide support anytime, anyplace. A full- spectrum Engineer Force of high- quality, dedicated soldiers and civilians:

  • A vital part of the Army
  • the engineer team of choice-responding to our nation's needs in peace and war
  • a values-based organization—respected, responsive, and reliable.

Our Values

Our values are our Army's Values:

  • Loyalty
  • Duty
  • Respect
  • Selfless Service
  • Honor
  • Integrity
  • Personal Courage

Our Strategic Goals

  • Workforce: Align and develop LRH workforce to support and accomplish LRD missions.
  • Outreach: Implement an outreach program that promotes and sustains relationship development. 
  • Safety: Revitalize LRH Safety Program. 
  • Risk and Reliability: Embed the risk-based systems approach into the way we do business.

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LRH Customer Service
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District
502 Eight Street
Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 399-5018
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