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Title:  Defining and Assessing Learning: Exploring Competency-Based Initiatives
Description: Legislators, employers, accrediting agencies, and others are often more interested in what skills and abilities students have, than in the number of credit hours the students have accumulated. This report is a hands-on resource that introduces basic information about the construction and use of competency assessments and includes the results of eight case studies of competency-based programs. A set of operating principles to guide best practices in this field is gleaned from these case studies. The publication also relays important information about the theory of competency-based education and addresses issues involved in compiling, analyzing, maintaining, and reporting data about students’ competencies.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: September 2002
Web Release: November 15, 2002
Print Release: November 6, 2002
Publication #: NCES 2002159
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Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Elizabeth Jones and Richard Voorhees, with Karen Paulson
Type of Product: Research and Development Report
Survey/Program Areas: National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Research and Development Report, please contact:
Nancy B. Borkow.
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