Statistical Comparison with Independent Vertical Profiles
Here were present a statistical summary of comparisons of the optimized CO2 mole fraction distribution produced by CarbonTracker and a set of ~23,000 independent (not used in CarbonTracker) CO2 observations from air samples collected in the free troposphere as part of the NOAA ESRL Aircraft Program between 2001 and 2007. Figure 1 below shows the distribution of the residuals (model minus observations) for all aircraft samples by month. The mean and standard deviation of the distribution is 0.27 ± 2.07 ppm.

Figure 1
For comparison, figure 2 shows a similar bias when comparing optimized CO2 mole fractions and the observed surface observations that were used in the assimilation (0.12 ± 2.36 ppm). This suggests that part to of the difference is in the phase and amplitude of the seasonally varying fluxes and not in the vertical transport.

Figure 2