Tax Assistance
United States Air Force Academy Tax Center

  • The Tax Center is located in the Arnold Hall "Alley" Arcade down the hall from the ticket office and Haps Place.

  • Tax Assistance is available for qualified active duty military members, retirees, and dependents possessing a valid military identification card.

  • Tax assistance is limited to personal taxes only. As such, this program does not include assistance for preparing business returns (Schedules C or CEZ).

  • Take Advantage of our Convenient 1040EZ Drop-Off Program.

Arnold Hall
Mon & Wed 0800-1200
Tue & Thu 1200-1600
Call For Appointment

U.S. Air Force Academy, USAFA, CO 80840, (719) 333-1110 DSN: 333-1110, 08 Jan 09
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